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Mike's Coffee shop - ( think of it as Starbucks )

Greenwich - Pizza place ( think of it as Pizza hunt )

Ground Zero - club ( a Drinking bar )

Penshoppe - a clothing store ( in the Philippines mall )

Dad's - Restaurant ( in the Philippines ) Think of it as Applebee's

SS - ( Shadow slayer ) - Bounty hunter who kills vampires in the shadows. Basically a ninja.

Zomwolf - zombie werewolf

ZBH - (Zombie bounty hunter ) who kills hybrids and vampire but make it look like suicide death.

SS , Zoomwolf , ZBH - can get drunk if the alcohol is mixed with hot sauce. if the alcohol is not mixed with hot sauce it taste like water. They have a computer chip in their brain. If you watch IBoy a sci-fi movie 2017 you would get what I am talking about.

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