4. The break up

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Two days later...

Eve's P.O.V.

I was at  Mike's coffee shop  waiting for  Noah .  I was just at to  break up text message him but i decided to face him and break up with him.    Just when I took out my phone  the wind chine on the door made a sound. When I looked up i saw it was my boyfriend. As he got closer i notice a hickey on his neck.

After he sat down in front of me, He said " sorry babe, the guys and i lost track of time."

I said "Its fine."

Just as he was bout to say something i said " lets break up."

He was in shocked and was about to say something but i got up and walked out of Mike's coffee shop.  Just when I was bout to  open my  car door, I sense  someone was behind me. I turned around and was bout to take out my pocket  knife because of  my werewolf habit.
(  She became a Zomwolf  becuse of  Sleven.) 

Noah's P.O.V.

After I sat down in front of her , I said " sorry babe, the guys and i lost track of time."

She said "Its fine."

Just as I was bout to say something she said " lets break up."

I was in shocked and was about to say something but she got up and walked out of  Mike's coffee shop.  When I caught up her,    she turned around   hiding something  with her hand. I sigh  and  said " tell me why do you want to break up."

She sigh  and said "  you have a hickey and it wasn't from me."

 I stood there shocked  until she   said" I'm late for  work."

 Just when I found my  voice i saw her drove off.

 Eve's P.O.V.

When I drove  away , i looked in  mirror   and saw that he was confused.  I dint have time to  explain that I know that he is cheating  because its been two weeks  and he has confessed to me that he  is cheating with my best friend. 

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