3. She gets bitten

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Third pov

Sev ( aka Sleven ) and Pete ( aka Peter ) had just got out the pawn shop with a brief case for cashing in the ghouls body parts. You see they are both bounty hunters, and they had just finished the job. As they we headed to the parking lot,  Sev said "  " race you home. Loser cooks for a week." while getting on his helmet to ride his   motorcycle.  Pete said " if I win, you're cooking and cleaning for a month." While opening his car  which was   red 1967 Chevrolet impala.  Just as Pete got in, Sev  drove in a flash.

Pete sigh and then buckled himself  and drove to catch up with Sev.

Eve  P.O.V.
After they left me, I walked up to the creepy mansion and walked inside. When I got inside I sued a flashlight to guide my way. When I found a room that was not dusty, I set the flash light standing up on the floor so it sort of light the whole room.  As I put  the sleeping  bag on the bed, I heard someone coming up the stairs,  I took my phone and hid under the bed.

Third P.O.V.
When Sev and Pete and  were fighting in  the mansion,  Pete ushed Sev  and said " someone's in the  house."

Sev was about to use his shadow phase when Sev said " its a human  and   she is  hiding under  your bed."

Pete smirk and said " Let's have some fun."

He rushed up the  stairs.  

 Previously Eve P.O.V.
 As I put the sleeping bag on the bed, I heard someone coming up the stairs, I took my phone and hid under the bed.  When the door opened  i prayed  that the stranger  would take a look and leave.   When I opened my eyes, I  two  pair of boots.   I then heard  them talking.

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