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So here they were, a few days after that faithful day, sitting around their lunch table in complete silence. Camila sat a bit off to the side, next to logan, poking at the radioactive gunk that the cafeteria dared to call mashed potatoes.

Tyler, finally, broke the tense atmosphere. "I think we should go back to Savannah." Ashlyn sighed and rubbed her head. "Alright, let's take a little time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight." Even though this is the fourth time, Ashlyn thought to herself.

"Why not afterschool?" Tyler offered. " 'Cause I have ballet tonight, that's why." Ashlyn quipped.

"So? Skip it."

Taylor quickly intergected. "Uh, Ty...We have stuff to do today afterschool too. You have baseball practice and I have a meeting." Taylor rubbed her leg nervously.

Then, Logan spoke up. "Uhm, I uh, I have to help around the flower shop today."

"See, Ty? Logan's busy too."

Tyler turned towards Camila. "How 'bout you, plant girl?"

Camila looked up from her tray of food. Truth was, she had no friends. So she had nothing to do afterschool, but they didn't need to know that. So, she lied.

"I, err, have uhm, to help my brother teach my sister...uh, how to drive." Wow, nice one Camila, real smooth.

"Huh? But isn't your sister way young-"

"Anyhow!" Whew, it's nice having someone like Taylor around, she always knows what to say. "Even with what's going on, we can't just neglect school and our future. You need baseball. Let's just wait till ton-"

"We aren't going to have a future if we're dead!" Tyler snapped, although Ashlyn was quick to jump in.

"It's not just our future. If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're going to end up in a psyche ward." Camila winced at that one.

Ashlyn continued on. "Do you think that's going to make it easier or harder for us to have meetings during the day?" Damn, he got smoked.

"She's got a point, yknow." Yup, the blonde-headed lunatic jumped in. "Generally, we're what people would call crazy." He said, spinning his pointed finger around in a circle.

"Maybe you are, looney tune-"

Tyler cut Camila off. "Whatever." He got up, probably to go to another table, Camila was guessing.

He was about to stomp away, then whirled around and grabbed Taylor by the shoulders and pulled her up, dragging her away with him. That's sibiling love for ya.

Back at home, Camila was sitting on her bedroom floor, making a diorama. Then, her brother came in.  "Oh, hey Mateo. What's up?" Camila looked up.

Mateo looked up from his phone. "Two guys knocked on the door asking for you. I think their were Aaron and Bart? Anywho, they're waiting for you downstairs."

"Wow, biggie. You just let anyone into our house, huh?" Camila clapped.

"Shut up." And Mateo left the room.

Camila chuckled to herself then went downstairs. Who in the world are Aaron and Bart? Camila wondered to herself.

"Who is it— oh. Oh." Oh my god, the looney tune and Ben were sitting in jer living room, playing with her sister.

"Hey, Camila! You're parents aren't home yet?"

"Isabela! You can't just go around playing with strangers!" Camila ran and pulled Isabela to her.

"Hey, we're not stra—"

"They're not strangers! They're really nice! I taught they how to play trompo!" Camila's eyes drifted to the spinning tops and her eyes softened.

Camila let go of Isabela and sat down on the floor with the other three. "Uhm, is there a reason you're here? Do you need something?"

Aiden took a top off the ground and started fidgeting with it. "Nah not really, we were just bored. We went over to Ashlyn's for a bit but she wouldn't let us go inside her dance studio." He said.

I think I can see why, Camila thought to herself.


"Anyways, what's with the pjs?" Aiden glances at her pj set. It was a white t-shirt with a big hello kitty face on it along with matching pink pants with hello kitty print on it and fluffy slippers

"Oh uh, y'know how my onesie got uhm, ruined?" Camila was careful with her words, mainly because of her sister. Aiden nodded. "Yeah."

"Well my mami's fixing it right now so I'm using these instead." Camila explained.

Aiden nodded in understanding, then started yapping about who knows what.

Tyler was pacing around his room in worry, with Taylor sitting on their shared bunk bed.

"Tyler?" Taylor called out.

Tyler gave her a sharp look and then sighed. He sat on the bed. "Sorry..."

"We can't keep skipping."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I need baseball to get ino college. And tour mechanics club has job connections." Tyler rubbed hus face in defeat.

"It's just– does any of this matter if we die?" Taylor considered that statement. "So you want to throw all of our hard work away? All our plans?"

"No, no of course not. Things just had to become more complicated, didn't it." Tyler didn't seem so sure of who he was talking to.

Logan's heart was practically beating out of his chest. Only five hours left,
He thought to himself. It was hard to act normal and help around the flower shop when things are so complex.

Logan's grandpa seemed to have noticed. "You alright, son? You look clammy." He commented.

Logan hesitated. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" His grandma didn't buy it, though. "He looked clammy for the past couple of weeks. Ever since that field trip. He even quit that astronomy club of his. Something's up."

Logan gave them a forced smile. "Everything's alright, haha! There's no need to worry." Then, he busied himself by watering flowers."

Ashlyn flopped on her bed, her long, silky orange hair spread all around her.
Class was exhausting.  She thought to herself. It's almost midnight, I wonder how the others are.

Ashlyn couldn't shake the feeling that they were all forgetting something. No one had even texted in the group chat.

Then it hit her. That's what they all forgot. Where they last left off.

The phantom was still there.



Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 14 ⏰

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𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖-𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘽𝙪𝙨 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙧𝙙 | Various! CharactersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon