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"𝘚𝘰𝘰, 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱, 𝘩𝘶𝘩?"

Camila's dad finally broke the silence. Honestly, she was thankful.

"Yeah, I uh, forgot to tell you." Camila was lying through her teeth. She remembered, she  was just gonna tell them a little later. Honest!

"Well, do you want to go, mija? We can sign it for you." Camila's mom grabbed the pink permission slip and a pen and signed away.

"Here you go, mija."

A few days had passed since then, and it was the day of the field trip. When Camila got there, she was suprised to see everyone outside already. It was a good chunk of students.

Camila would like to think that she chose a cute outfit. She wore a light blue sundress with a white cardigan over it and her white converse shoes. She had her curly hair done up in a light blue bandana.

Cute but simple, She thought to herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, she was her group members scattered about. There were the twins, Logan, Aiden, Ben. Hell, even Ashlyn decided she wanted to come.


There were seven in their group. An odd amount of people. Six of them were already paired up, and spoiler alert: Camila ain't one of 'em.

You see, they were paired up like so; Tyler and Taylor, Aiden and Ashlyn, and Logan and Ben. Double spoiler alert: Ashlyn did not choose that seat partner. If anything, she looked uncomfortable.

"Uhm. Hey, can I, uh, sit here?" Camila  asked a guy, because the seat next to him was empty. Either the guy was igmoring her, and he didn't hear her.
Both options were pretty embarrassing.

"Hello! Miss you need to sit down so we can get the bus moving!" Mr. Thomas shouted out. Woah. Double embarrassing.

Camila did the walk of shame and sat in the back of the bus. With nobody around, nobody to talk to. Just her and her thoughts.

As the bus started moving, Camila dug around in her bag for something to do. She fished out her favorite trompo. It's like a spinning top that you play with. Her mom and dad taught her. Although it'd be pretty hard to play trompo in a moving bus.

Canila put it back in her bag and sighed.

Then, her phone buzzed.

It was the groupchat, someone was texting in there.

It was Taylor, telling her to look up. So she did. She was waving her over, mouthing out the words "three-seater!".

Okay, it was stealth time.

Camila put her bag back on and crouched on the bus floor. Then she made a beeline towards the twins.

Camila ended up between the two twins, with Tyler on his phone, looking bothered, and Taylor solving a puzzle. Canila popped her head over the seat behind her. "Aiden, can I have one too?" She asked, albeit a little meekly. "Sure. Take what you want."

Aiden had all kinds of different puzzles in that bag of his. Heck, even Aslyn was playing around with one. Camila reached for the Burr puzzle, which honestly, made no sense but oh well.

"Hey, would you mind not sitting so close, Plant Girl?" Tyler hissed at her. Okay, first of all, rude. "Well, what else am I supposed to do?" Camila whisper-shouted back.

"Well," Tyler began. "You can start by uncrossing your leg and getting it off of mine." Tyler grabbed Camila's leg and shoved it off him.

Ugh, what a loser.

Camila "accidently" shoved him on the next bus turn.

"My fault." Camila said, carlessly. "You're kind of hard to not hit." Tyler looked just about ready to slap her, but he didn't. So, good sign?

Anyways, the rest of the bus ride was pretty uneventful. Boring even.

When they got off the bus, Ashlyn started cracking all kinds if bones.

Mr. Thomas layed out the general rules. Don't wander off too far and be back by 5 o'clock.

Honestly, in Camila's opinion, the place was old and creepy-looking. Not exactly Camila's thing.

When everyone went to their groups, Logan spoke up first. "So, what should we do first?" He asked.

Taylor reccomended that the group get some food and talk about what to do while they ate.

"Oo! We should get McWonalds! I want their fries." Camila suggested, well nore like demanded, but still. Fries did sound pretty good.

"Aww, but I wanted Burger Queen." Aiden whined, like a little kid.

"Then theres only one way to settle this..." Taylor started. "How 'bout a—"

"An arm wrestle!" Aiden shouted out.

"Excuse me?"

"Its the perfect problem solver!"

"No." You quickly refused.

"What? Scared you'll lose?" Tyler was trying to psych her out.

"...I'm not afraid of anything. Plus I would beat every single one of you." Another bold-faced lie by yours truly. She was scared of a lot of things, like bugs. And failure.

So there they were, at the nearest table, about to fight for their right to choose good food.

"Three, two, one, go!" Taylor shouted.

Camila knew she couldn't win this honestly. So what would she do? Be honest and accept her loss? Haha. No.

She'd cheat, obviously!

Aiden was already bringing Camila's hand down, with a triumphant smile.

Oh no you don't, Camila thought.

Camila pretended to act shocked, like there was something behind Aiden. When he looked back, Camila clasped both her hands on his and started bring his hand down.

Aiden caught on quickly though. Be stood up slightly and grasped his other hand on hers, then began pulling her.

They went back and forth, Aiden pulling her towards him to agitate her and Camila trying to maintain her balance and win at the same time.

Aiden pulled her towards him one more time, rather harshly. Camila lost her balance and Aiden to the chance to slam her hands down on the wooden table and jumped around, feeling victorious.

Camila slumped in the chair, hating the taste of defeat.

"Don't worry, Camila. You won in our hearts!" Dang, Taylor was good at comforting people.

Anyways, they sat down at a booth at the Burger Queen. The three girls on one side and the four boys on the other side.

"Since Aiden cheated, it's only right that I get to have his fries." Camila declared.

"Excuse you, Camila." Aiden said, feigning great offense.

"Uh, I wonder who said that." Camila said, inhaling her milkshake.


𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖-𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘽𝙪𝙨 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙧𝙙 | Various! CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now