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Ben had finished cleaning amd wrapping Camila's injury, so he moved on to Ashlyn. One of the monsters left a huge gash from its claws in her arm, it was pretty gruesome to say the least.

Safe to say, she was going through it.

Aiden, on the other hand, seemed to think it was a great idea to smash a glass bottle against the wall in the name of "making a new weapon."

Tyler gave him a pointed glare. "Hey, Watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom, now there's glass everywhere."

Logan quickly got up"I-I'll get the broom."

Camila noticed Ashlyn' s eyes trailing to Tyler, almost as if she was considering what she'd said to him moments before. He was busying himself by helping Taylor take the legs off the chaurs to use as weapons.

Ben had used the rubbing alcohol on a particularly painful spot, because Ashlyn looked like she was holding back tears. Plus, she was was slamming her foot up and down on the floor in pain. Camila gave her a comforting, but slightly awkward pat on the back.

"..Uh, want some water?"

Ashlyn just gave her a blank stare.

Apparently, Aiden had noticed. He grabbed a piece of cloth and gave it to Ashlyn. "Here, wanna squeeze this?"

Ashlyn thought about it, then took the cloth from his hand. "...Thanks."


He offered one to Camila, but she refused politely. She was too busy picking at her hands.

Aiden crouched down next to them. "I never took you for the leader type." Ashlyn looked bothered, but responded anyway. "...I'm not, but my parents are."

"Your parents?"

"Yeah. They're both from the military."

When Ashlyn said that, Camila looked up from her hands.

"You're parents were in the military? That's so cool!" Camila didn't expect it, but she wasn't exactly surprised. Ashlyn had been handling the whole thing really well, unlike Camila who almost had a melt-down while throwing soda cans at monsters.


"Ah I get it. So you're uded to being told what to do in a situation like this." Okay, now Aiden was reaching a little. Stuff like this doesn't exactly happen on a random Tuesday.

Ashlyn quickly tried to shoot down the idea. "Well not a situation like this-" As much as Camila appreciated Ashlyn trying to explain herself, she should've known that Aiden wouldn't stay on one thing for very long.

"Then do you also know self-defense?"
Another question.

"I've taken a few kick-boxing classes." Just as Ashlyn finished that sentence, Ben had closed up the first aid kit. Ashlyn's arm was nicely wrapped up. Camila dug into the depths of her onesie pocket and fished out a box of bandaids.

She took a bandaid out of the box and examined it. The base color was light blue and it was covered with little yellow tulips. Camila took Ashlyn's injured arm gently and put it on her.

"It suits you." She said with a smile.

Ashlyn looked down at her arm for a moment, and Camila could've sworn she saw a tinge of red on her face. But as quickly as she noticed, it disappeared.

Ashlyn waved her arm up and down. "Wow Ben, you're pretty good at this." Aiden spoke up. "Lol yeah, he's pretty used to patching me up."


Aiden considered her question. "Mm, varuous things? Skateboard tricks, rock climbing, hiking, jumping off tall places. Stuff like that." So he enjoys thrills, Camila thought. She wasn't shocked in the slightest. That guy would probably up to get chased by those monsters for free.

Ben, on the other hand, just looked happy to get a compliment.

Ashlyn got up from her spot on the floor and picked up one of the chair legs. "How many of these do we got?" Taylor's eyes trailed downwards, counting the amout of chair legs they had at their disposal.

"Uh, eight including the ones we're taking off right now." Wow, fast counter.

Taylor looked nervous, like something was bothering her, so Camila said something. "Are you alright Taylor? You look pretty nervous."

Tyler spoke up. "Well of course she's nervous. We have clawed monsters that look like they're made out of darkness trying to break down our door. I think it's pretty reasonable that she scared." Tyler quipped.

"Er. Right, my bad Taylor."

Taylor looked in Ashlyn and Camila's direction, but her eyes looked distant. Cloudy even. "No, it's just that...it's been quiet for a while now. Do you think the monsters are gone?"

Ashlyn could still hear the monster noises outside, but she hadn't told them yet.

Ashlyn went on about how she could actually hear them outside the door and how how she could hear them, but not im a normal way.

Camila tried to listen, but she wasn't exactly known for her fantastic hearing. More-so her ability to royally screw up a situation within seconds.

Anyways, Ashlyn told the group about the special sound that the mosnters make that only her ears are able to pick up on.

Tyler was getting frustrated, probably ftom the lack of sleep and how bizarre everything was in general. "Can you get to the point."

Can't blame him, but dang give the girl a chance to speak.

Camila knew she shouldn't have, and she tried not to, but she had zoned out. She had her head in the clouds. She was so confused and didn't know what to make of any of this.

The monsters, the sky, the injury. Everything about this entire place felt...upside down.

What if they were all hallucinating? Yeah...yeah that sounded right. It was all Burger Queen's fault. I mean who even likes their food. Those fries were so soggy that they could stop a drought from-

"I can locate them when you guys can't." Ashlyn admitted, and that pulled Camila out of the clouds. Woah, that's new information.

This was beginning to feel more and more like a death trap.


A/N: skzkkzks ughh I'm so soo sorry for the late chapterr😭, I hope you all enjoy🤞🤞

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