life is good. til it isn't.

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Appeared a young girl worker "Hello! I see you recently moved in! we serve breakfast every 8 am-12 am lunch and dinner when ever you feel like heading down stairs to the cafe! towels and face products promoting our ads will be sitting on the bathroom counter across your room!" We both say appreciating her kindness "Thank you, for notifying us" the worker says "you are so welcomed. Keep cozy and have a wonderful day" we say "you too!" and the worker heads down stairs.. After a couple seconds of silence Alex breaks the silence "you know... we should go down stairs for some lunch?"Mary just wanted to relax so She didn't go. But Alex did. He heads down stairs and walks up to the lady worker. A couple of minutes He walks up stairs to the room with a tray of 2 ceasar salads and 2 glasses of cranberry juice. "This is the only options they had.." Alex complained. They both began to chow down on the ceaser salad. Time skip to 5 hours it is now 8 pm. The issue was Mary didn't know where to buy or find new clothing. Alex had a charger and a phone. Alex had let Mary borrow His charger. The phone was at 100% 500 notifications coming from "group chat" the group chat of Destiny, Emma and Kylee messages were "if you see this message don't worry Mary! we are finding you!" that message sounded really worried and it is evident they cared for Her. The app was Snapchat. She clicked on the Snapchat icon revealing some others from Her school posting stories saying "has anyone seen Mary from my school??" Mary said "i-i've gone missing...." now She wasn't going to brush it off and act chill about it. Her eyes have opened and this is a serious case... what would She do?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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