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"I'm fucking done. I'm literally fucking DONE!" Wonwoo bellows at his parents snobbishly seated on the couch witnessing his outburst like fucking psychopaths. Him yelling is quite pointless, Wonwoo should have known, when all he gets are sharp looks of disbelief from the other two people in front of him.

Needless to mention, another argument had spiked, originally meant to be kept between the two adults, but as always, it somehow made its way to involve Wonwoo - who had been peacefully studying. All Wonwoo could do is scream, and relieve his anger. Even when he very well knows none of it would ever be acknowledged. If anything, he'd be berated even further, just what he braces himself for right now.

"Done how, Wonwoo? Care to explain?" Hyeri snorts.

Wonwoo takes the risk of being arrogant, just this once, because he knows for sure this is the last time his feet would ever be inside this house. "I don't know, you tell me. Surely you're not that dull, are you?"

Wonwoo stands stone still, waiting for the impact of a fist or palm anywhere on his face. Shockingly, it never arrives. His parents sit just the way they have been. "Why do you always drag me into your fights?" Wonwoo dares to ask.

It's the first time he's ever left his parents speechless, and he's not proud of it. He wants answers, he's tired of being left hanging every time. He scoffs, padding away to his room. After a hasty thirty minutes, Wonwoo emerges from his now bare room, two suitcases being dragged behind him, and a large backpack strapped to his back. The wheels of the suitcases rumble down the stairs, as Wonwoo walks with a heavy heart. Wonwoo himself doesn't believe he's doing this, although he'd seen this coming soon. He just needed a correct moment to take actions.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo grunts, out of Wonwoo's sight. Wonwoo sees him shuffling around in the kitchen. "I'm leaving." He mumbles.

"Leaving where?" Hyeri's hand snakes behind his head, pulling painfully at Wonwoo's grown-out locks. "I'll be staying at the dorms. I'm never stepping another foot in this house."

"Bold words for someone like you, Wonwoo. I'm surprised." Jabs Hyeri.

Wonwoo doesn't reply, standing still until his mum leaves his hair alone. She does moments later, and Wonwoo continues on his way to the door once again. "Just know, if you actually step your toe outside the house, you're never welcome inside."

"Watch me. I'm glad I'd never be welcomed."

It hurt to speak those words out loud, and maybe Wonwoo wouldn't have dared to say those any other time. But somewhere deep down, he knows he's doing the right thing. And if that intuition is proved to be wrong sometime later, Wonwoo hopes it isn't the worst decision of his life.

And just like that, Wonwoo's on a bus to Pledis campus, contacting their dormitory to make enquiries about any rooms available. Gladly, he gets confirmation immediately, making him sigh half in relief, and half in worry. He wonders if he has a roommate or not. He would prefer not having one, but he reminds himself - beggars don't get to choose. Roommate or not, Wonwoo has to spend the next three-and-a-half years at the dorm.

Wonwoo gets his curiosity answered soon enough; he doesn't have to room with anyone. It seems like the best day of Wonwoo's miserable life of nineteen years. Wonwoo takes his keys, and is soon in his room, unpacking his stuff. He doesn't have much, thankfully, and he's done setting up in a matter of just two hours.

The peace and quiet in the nearly empty apartment feels surreal, alien. Silence had always been scarce back in his- no, his parents' house. It feels comforting and assuring, in a way, when Wonwoo realises he could go about his day in peace. Not that he'd prefer staying in the room much, anyway. He'd rather spend his time in the library - which is just as underpopulated as his room.

Staring at the ceiling from his bed, it dawns upon Wonwoo that he has to work part-time, at least, to manage his expenses. It shouldn't be pressuring, Wonwoo thinks, since he barely has any needs. Food might be a problem; Wonwoo has no clue of cooking, and basically things around a kitchen. But if it meant he gets to protect his peace, Wonwoo would do anything, even invest some time to learn about a few basic necessities needed to live alone.


Mingyu greets, sliding into the chair next to Wonwoo. They're in the library for Calculus -- another thing Wonwoo wouldn't have to worry about anymore. His parents wouldn't know about him 'stooping low', taking help from someone like Kim Mingyu.

"I'm at the dorms now." Wonwoo finds himself sharing out of nowhere. He immediately slaps a mouth over his mouth, swallowing any other words that might spill without any warning.

"Why'd you do that, then?"

"I didn't think you'd need to know..?"

"Well, I do now, anyway." Mingyu grins.

"Well, I don't tell stuff to anyone, so I thought maybe you didn't want to know."

"It's alright, I don't mind."

Some time passes in complete silence, with both of them doing their own things, buried in their books, until Mingyu pops a question. "Why though?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you at the dorms?"

Wonwoo doesn't know if he should say anything. He remains silent, unmoving in his seat, except for his hands pretending to nonchalantly flip aimless pages in a thick book in front of him.

Mingyu stutters. "It's fine if you don't wanna say..."

"I don't."

"That's okay." And Mingyu goes back to concentrating on his notes once again.

Wonwoo wonders how he ever believed Mingyu had actually snooped through his diary at some point. He's seen for real the type of person Mingyu is; Mingyu isn't one to even remotely take a peek into someone else's life. The interaction he just had with the taller boy melts Wonwoo's initial notion about him even further.

Situations like these find Wonwoo noticing his heart being warmed just a bit. He has come to realise, once more, that having someone around, who's considerate, feels nice. Wonwoo doesn't feel the need to say anything, knowing Mingyu wouldn't mind if he didn't.


Writer's block had been writer's block-ing very well for the past few days.

Plus, I'm sleep derived.

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