Calling off the Engagement

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Author's POV 

The sea's roar is loud, yet it cannot drown out the inner turmoil of the two individuals standing in silence...

"I told you not to come... I conveyed this because he demanded me to say something like that... then why did you still show up, Thulir? voluntarily getting hurt your hobby...I didn't say anything yesterday when you said you wanted to break up with me out of anger.....I thought that would keep you away from this chaos for some you have been restless from the day all this came up....and you decided not to listen to a single word of me right..."

A tight slap landed on his cheeks and held his collar

"In all this chaos you could only see this huh???......what do you mean by keeping me away Agathiya...Keeping me away from this issue or from your life.....and about me coming there because I was so interested and  eager to see and listen you saying your dear brother you will give up on me for him....

Yeah You said me about his this ridiculous demand and drama he wants you to pull up for his satisfaction....We already had a long fight regarding you agreeing to say him that you would leave me for him to come back to home like I was a doll and you both could exchange on terms...

Even when we know it's not real, the pain can be intense...and it did hurt terribly... it might have caused you even greater pain, yet you chose to endure it. For whom did you bear that pain?

That selfish brother of yours....

it won't take me more than a second to throw you out of my life accepting the fate that we aren't mean to me and leave you alone to deal with this mess and guilt you are in at the moment....

Don't dare say I can't understand you... because I have already endured this very same dreadful phase for five aren't the one to be blamed for him leaving his family nor its your sole responsibility to bring him back to his own family....No one will bestow upon you the title of 'Selfless Man' for this grand gesture of taking all the blame upon yourself.

I was once in your shoes and let me tell you that was hell....I thought and believed that Aadhavan left because of me...and that induced pain to both of us including our family....I isolated myself from all to punish myself for something which is not my fault....and sir is doing the same shit right now....."

Thulir released his collar and stepped back, wiping her tears away roughly with the back of her hand....she gripped hair in frustration and started back at him dejected...she surely got tired of explaining him the same thing again and again...she took a deep breaths calm herself and continued

"Running away from any problem is  no way will lead us to solution Agathiya....its juts a temporary escape from it....but it will again hunt down us back if we don't brace  up ourself to face it...

both of us are not the reason behind him leaving Agathiya.....I came to seek your forgiveness  then only  after realizing it and coming out of that guilt...

If he truly wanted me, he wouldn't have had to leave at all, Agathiya. He could have simply come to you and expressed his love for me, especially since you hadn't confessed your feelings to me that night. And given your generous nature and abundance love for your dear brother , you would have likely concealed your love for me and buried it deep within yourself and choose to become Devdas....even might have tried to convince me to accept him....

you know all I mentioned  possibly would have happened if you got to know about Aadhavan loving me before you confess.... and  I would have convinced myself that we both aren't destined and would have tried to accept Aadhavan still I am not sure about loving him like I love you.....

But he didn't do that...he left because he accepted that I can never be his and he prioritize his peace over us that's the fact and he is not  wrong either in his point of view....

What he is currently doing is not appropriate... he seems to be exploiting your vulnerability, and it's unclear what his intentions are behind these actions.....

I understand this is a difficult time for you, and I don't want to leave you to face it alone... because I know the challenges of healing oneself... It took me five years, Agathiya...

Don't try to push me away and you need me to come out of this.....I wanted to be your partner is be with you in all your up and downs....I don't want to be with you just in your happy moments and leave you to face the hardships...

I want a relationship with you which have everything ....pain happiness, fight ,distress ,surprise disappointment, attachment ,love, care, struggle, arguments, confrontations, comfort...everything......I want all of you Agathiya...

Yes I am angry at you and would take me time to forgive you and you surely have to work hard to please me to get my forgiveness.....Because I am not you ....I won't forgive you just by listening your sorry or just a paragraph of grovel......I am a tough person to convince......

but no matter what I would never leave you at any cost.... "

With tears brimming in her eyes, Thulir said honestly....

Agathiyan drew her into his embrace and held her close and kissed her head.....Thulir took a deep breath and pushed him aside and stared at him...

"I haven't forgiven you yet, Agathiya... and I'm considering calling off this engagement immediately. I don't wish to begin our married life together in a state of disturbance. I want to feel genuinely happy on our wedding day, not resentful over your foolish actions. Please resolve this situation as quickly as possible. And yes, while I will support you, I also intend to address the pain you've caused me once we're past this turmoil.....I hope you clearly know what your signing up "

Thulir said with sternness....he took a deep breath and nodded his head...

"Drop me at my home "

Thulir ordered him and began walking towards the road where his jeep was parked, with Agathiyan following behind silently.....

Author's Note

Okay done...😌😌😌

Thank You ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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