Day Four Pt.1

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From sleeping in the luxury of an inn last night, this morning I woke up in a moving cart, once again I will repeat, in a cart!

What happened while I was sleeping?!

When I was confused about what was happening and looked around me, I just realized that there was someone sitting leaning next to me.

The person did not move, his face was as pale as a dead person. The only human race that is weak against moving vehicles. But for some reason he was wearing a blindfold.

Even though I was confused myself, I still couldn't help but worry about him.

"Hey, Laxus... are you okay?" I asked while patting his shoulder lightly. I didn't want to add more vibration that would torture him further.

He just mumbled his answer, not actually getting a word out. ""

I could see cold sweat dripping down his skin, so I grabbed the blanket that had previously wrapped me up and wiped the sweat away.

"What are you actually doing? You know you're motion sick but you still get on one. And also, where are the others? How did we get here?" I couldn't stop myself from asking that question even though I knew that Laxus wouldn't be able to answer it at the moment.

"Ughmbhrrg...," he groaned weakly.

The cart suddenly shook as I wiped the sweat off his forehead. The shock threw Laxus' head towards me until it finally landed on my right shoulder.

This position quite surprised me. His face was too close. And whether I like it or not, it makes me remember of what happened last night.

But compared to last night, Laxus who looked big, strong, and powerful, now he looked weak, fragile, and open to all kinds of attacks.

I don't know since when my hands have moved to comb his blonde hair, stroking it gently. I don't know if this is a habit I picked up after traveling dozens of times with Natsu's team. Well, although in Natsu's case I just stroked and patted his back.

Still unable to quell my curiosity as to why Laxus was wearing this blindfold, the fingers of my left hand began to trace the surface of the cloth.

At that moment I heard Laxus mutter something again. "...n't,"

"Uh, what's that? Can you repeat that again?"

It seemed like with a huge amount of effort, Laxus managed to whisper what he wanted to say, "Don't... take off... the cover."

This really feels strange....

Why do I get goosebumps just hearing a whisper from him?!

Lucy! Wake up you fool!

Laxus' condition isn't good at the moment, but my thoughts are getting weird!

Oh Dear Lord, help my mind get back on the right track!

That's when the cart stopped and the driver got out and told us, "sir, miss, we have arrived."

I was confused about what to answer because I didn't know anything about this trip and asked, "um, sorry sir, where are we exactly?"

The driver answered, "You weren't notified, miss? We are in a small town called Erith. This town is famous for its abundant harvest."

"Erith?" I've never heard of it. "How far is the journey from where we left earlier? And in what direction do we go?"

The driver was confused by my question. Even so, he kindly explained to me, "uh, the journey takes 5 hours from Honeymoon City, and moves to the south."

"5 hour drive?!" I asked in surprise. "Is it that far from Honeymoon City?"

The driver shook his head, "not really. But the terrain is a little difficult, you have to turn around and go uphill every now and then."

"So we are in the depths of the forest?"

"No, miss. I told you this is a small town."

"But from your description it sounds like a journey into the depths of the forest..."

"Well, it's close to the forest and mountains. But just go take a look at it first, and you'll understand what I mean," explained the driver for the umpteenth time. "Ah, let me help carry him," then he offered to help get Laxus off the cart.

But when I went to pay and searched my waist for the keys and wallet, they weren't there!

Where are my keys?!

It seemed like the driver noticed my confusion and explained, "Ah, the guy already paid before leaving."

After being grateful for a moment, I was again hit by lots of questions.

Approaching Laxus who was sitting under one of the big trees, I squatted down beside him. "Laxus, where are my keys?"

His color had improved but he still didn't move, and the blindfold was still in place.

This time Laxus managed to give an answer that I could hear even though his voice was still unclear. "....Left them at the inn."


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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