Chapter 3 Nemo

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Velvetwings P. O. V.

Never had i seen anyone so odd. Even for a starved stray was he small. His eyes looked like bloody orbs. We have an albino warrior; Ivoryshine, but this is... odd.

"How do you feel? Do you need anything?" My voice shook a bit.

"Just perfect! I feel like a perky peach on a tree!"

I furrowed my brow. What in the dark-forest? No, he didn't look fine. He was shaking, and his eyes... So big, too big. What's a peach? Some weird plant?

"W-well i'm glad to hear that you're, uh, doing... well." I said, sounding like an idiot.

"Can i ask you some things?"

"Sure, but not anything about who i am~~!" He moaned.

"Well, too bad." I said, sounding like an elderly.

"Where do you come from?"

"A tree - a blossoming one. Growing like a triangle!"

"A triangle?!" I gasped. "No trees grow like triangles!" What is this mouse-brain talking about?"

"Haha, some do!"

Wow. I've heard about stuff like this. Was he mentally challenged? Shizophrenic? Or trying to joke with me? No idea. But i don't like jokes.

"Or~ in our language, we call it, 'arbor', and ours is like a triangle, 'triangulum'. We call it the 'triangulus arbor'!"

What the hell was he saying? Triangulus arbor? Mousedung, this cat's insane! I continiued asking him stuff; unwillingly.

But i didn't get alot of anwsers, sadly.

An hour later.

"Well, you can go now, you can sleep in the apprentice den." (Or, as i would have preferred - the kit den.)

"Yeah, sure, i'm going to have so much fun! Pax tecum!"

Oh, there it is again! The language, it's odd but kind of nice in a way.

Such a weird one, a really, really weird one - and that's coming from someone who has dealt with fecal vomiting, yuck!

15 minutes later

I slowly drifted to sleep; only to be haunted by nightmares of that 'Nemo'.

"Ego sum non felis!" He repeated, over and over again.

What is he talking about?


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