chapter 1 •Flashbacks•

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I had had a weird feeling all day. I had tried to brush it off, but i couldn't.

Then it all happened. After the moon had rose, Spicea and his gang of strays attacked our clan.
Our leader, Softstar, faced him and spoke.

"You are on silkclan territory! Please leave!" Said Softstar in a scared tone; you could tell she was nervous.

The rouge grinned, his head twitched, he took a large leap, jumping on to Softstar. She let of a gasp as he pinned her down.
Never had i ever experienced someone as quick-to-harm as this Rouge.

I tried, i really did –but he was too fast. He brutally murdered Softstar right infront of me. The rouges had pinned the others down; so that they coudn't help her. Except for me, none of them had even put a paw on me.

His razorblade sharp claws dug into Softstar. The blood gushed out of her sides like a river. Soon, the blood came up out of Softstars' mouth. She tried to speak, but all that came out was blood. The blood coated her snow-white pelt. I stood there, too shocked to move.

I prayed to something mightier than starclan. But then i felt something, something that gave me power.

I jumped up on the sadistic rouge. His pelt was like nothing i had ever felt before. It was like sand, like dust.

He grinned like a sick pervert, as i dug my long claws into his stomach.

"Haha, i have to give you credit. You're a good fighter. My names Spicea; the leader of Acerclan, nice to meet you, Roseheart."

I gasped and lost grip for a second. How the hell did he know my name?

"You sick sadist! I hope you spend the rest of your afterlife in the darkforest –burning slowly!" I growled. He grinned even bigger, then he started to laugh, a cold laugh, that darted through my body.

"Hahaha... That won't happen. I'm not like you, you know?" Then the life from his body slowly got sucked out of him. His eyes became white, as his mouth filled with blood.

The rest of the rouges stopped fighting and ran off, deep into the forest.

I was too shocked to say anything.

What did he mean by "i'm not like you"

I have no idea...


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