Monster and the willow 2/3

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I was setting up the tent as Flora was organizing her chemicals on the table she set up, her pick bag on the floor next to the table. "Thanks again, Y/n. I still can't believe you would come." I nodded as I struggled to set up the tent. "It's nothing flora..really, I just hope the girls around worried about us leaving so suddenly." Flora didn't say anything and frowned.

I noticed her sudden quietness and I looked over at her. "Flora..?" She snapped out of it and smiled. "..sorry I just got distracted—"

"A trip without us?" Stella's voice rang from behind us and we looked surprised, the rest of the girls had actually showed up.

Musa smiled a bit "ah—don't look so surprised. We we're bound to come anyways." Flora teared up and ran to hug the three.

"Let's just hope this doesn't last too long" Stella said annoyed as she was grossed out by the mud. Flora pulled away from the hug and shook her head. "I just need to find this magic flower—"  I hand her the book she left on the table and Flora smiled.

Flora opened the book and points to a purple flower. "This is the cheerful Gladious." Stella looked surprised "that's a pretty flower, you sure it can be found around here?" Tecna nodded in agreement "it doesn't look like something that would grow here."

Flora shook her head "absolutely the ecosystem in this swamp is quite diverse!" Musa titled her head in slight confusion. "What do you need it for flora?"

"The essence of the cheerful gladious is an antidote for the witches sadness spell." Flora explained and we all nodded. "Very well then, what are we waiting for. Let's go get the flower so we can get back" Stella said and I nodded in agreement but flora shook her head and went over to her bag. "It's not as easy as that. It's a very ski-dish flower. It doesn't let itself be picked."

Stella groaned "don't tell me we're gonna have to coax it into following us out of its own free will. I'm tired of walking plants." Flora smiled a bit at Stella's annoyance.

Flora grabbed a flower bottle out of her bag.   "Actually we just have to ask the flower to extend one of its petals and then I'll use a drop of this mixture. An invention of mine!" She opened the bottle and dips a small droplet of the mixture on a the grass.

We all stare at it confusion but our confusion turned into excitement as small petals started appearing rapidly. "I can create an infinite number of artificial petals."

"That's so amazing.." I said and Flora closed the bottle lid. We all began to follow Flora through the woods. "We're going straight to Alfea after right?" Stella said nervously and Tecna raised an eyebrow. "Not likely. It's still quite early, we should find it before dark."

Stella sighed in relief and we all continued to follow Flora through the swamp.
Stella groaned as she stepped in mud again, she groaned in annoyance. "Why, why, oh why are swamps so.." "swampy?" Musa said sarcastically and Stella rolled her eyes "your comments are uncalled for Musa."

"So is your outfit, for goodness sake this is a swamp not a fashion show."  Musa said annoyed and Stella glared at her. "What does that have to do with anything and if you haven't noticed Y/n is practically in the same condition as me!" Stella said and I grew embarrassed, I was also bothered by the amount of mud that we were going through but I tried to be quiet about it and I thought it was working but Stella noticed right away.

"You're just mad we're the only fashionable Winx—ahh!!" Stella semi-screamed as she fell into the mud. I cringed at the impact and ran over to her but trying to be careful not to fall myself.

"Stella are you alright?" I said concerned and helped her up. "I'm not alright. I'm tired and dirty and my feet are killing me from all that walking. Why aren't we closer to finding that stupid flower!"

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