Miss Magix's 1/3

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I wait outside the gate for Varian to arrive but it wasn't a simple walk in the park, I was trying to hide Varians gift behind me and also deal with Darwin over the phone.

Darwin had somehow found out about me and Varian and called me; he was fussing over me going out with Varian.

"You're too young to date!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes. "We're the same age, idiot!"

He groaned  "I didn't want to have to do this but..as the older twin I—"

"You're older by four seconds idiot!" I yelled

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He yelled back.

"You started it!"

"No I didn't!"

I looked up from my phone when I heard the familiar wind rider engine. I smiled as I saw Varian take off his helmet.

Varian approached me, "I'm sorry if you waited for long—"

"Is that him?! Varian do you hear me, I'll get over there and deal with you myself!" Darwin yelled and Varian paused. He looked at my phone and saw an annoyed Darwin.

"You can't date my sister, I won't allow it!" Darwin yelled out and Varians face got red. "We're not dating." He said and Darwin rolled his eyes "oh yeah, I see the way you look at—" varian quickly ended the call and we stood there awkwardly.

"Don't mind Darwin, he's always been like that." I said and Varian awkwardly nodded. He handed me his helmet. "A-...as I was saying, sorry for keeping you waiting." I smiled and he got more red. "..here" he hands me the helmet and I was about to grab it but quickly remembered the gifts behind my back.

"Ah—wait! Close your eyes!"

He looked at me confused but nodded, he closed his eyes.

"Hold out your hands."

He held out his hands and I placed the gifts in his hands.

"Okay, open!"

He opened his eyes and was shocked to see the gifts laying his hands. "Y-you didn't.." he said completely shocked. "I know you said not to worry about your birthday but I just couldn't, I wanted to at least show my appreciation for you in someway." He continued to stare at me, his cheeks were red and he doesn't say anything.

"I don't know if you'll like them but—oh stars.." I quickly shut up as Varian pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and his grip tightened on me.

"Thank you.." he muttered and I smiled "it was nothing.." He doesn't say anything for a bit and pulled away. He smiled. "You're the best, Y/n." I got embarrassed by his words.

"Seriously it was nothing.." he chuckled and I put the helmet on my head. He helped me on his wind rider and drove us off to Magix's
We had got some food from Magix's food court and sat down at one of the tables.

"Are you gonna open the gifts?" I asked him and he quickly nodded. His face lights up as he opened them.

He was surprised that I got him a snowflake bracelet. "It's like the one I got you.." he said and I nodded. "I thought we could match, it'd be pretty cute—unless you don't wanna match, I mean I'd get it!" I paused when I saw him automatically put on the bracelet.

"I love it but why a snowflake?" He said "ah—it's because you remind me of snowflakes so I wanted to get you them." He seemed surprised but nodded.

He opened the next gift and he chuckled "a pig plushie?" He said as he took the plushie out and squished its cheeks.

"I thought you would like it, you seem good with animals." I said and he turned to look at me. "Oh yeah, how'd you figure that out?"

I smiled "we'll all those times you would voluntarily deal with icy's duck. Plus you're always near lady whenever we're on the phone." He smiled a bit. "Guess you're right..Thank you again" I nodded. "No problem—" I paused when I suddenly saw my father walked past us.

I had seen him multiple times beforehand these last few days but this is the first time he'd physically past nearby. My heart raced and I turned my head and saw it wasn't my father but some random guy.

Varian frowned and placed the pig on the table, he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at him and he looked worried. "You alright?" He said to me and takes his hand off my shoulder.

"I—yeah..I'm fine."

He frowned and kept staring at me. "..I'm not gonna push it but you're obviously not fine, it was like you saw a ghost."

I frowned and he took my hand. "I'm your friend Y/n. You can tell me whatever's on your mind and I'll do my best to listen." He said and I stared at him shocked.

My stomach did a backflip and he lightly squeezed my hand. "You would be there for me right. Let me do the same for you." He said and we made eye contact and I slowly nodded. "Okay.."
"You're getting dreams?" Varian said curiously and I nodded in response. He continued to look towards me. "These dreams your referring to sound similar to Darwin's." I looked at him surprised, Darwin's been getting dreams about our parents too.

"R-really?" I said with shock still on my face. Varian nodded. "Darwin sleep-talks and usually I drown him out but now it's impossible since he's also sleep fighting. He talks about how it's too late and what he can do to save her, whoever her might be." 

I frowned "..a few days ago I went to the library and there were tons of books about the nymph but when I went back there wasn't even one, it was like the books all vanished."

Varians snapped his fingers as he came to a realization. "Nymph..like the temple in the square?" I was shocked at his conclusion and mentally cursed myself for not thinking about the temple.

"My stars..I completely forgot about the temple." I said and he laughed and lightly hits my cheek with the pig plushies snout. "Don't blame yourself, there's so many things going on. You can't expect to keep track of them all."

I sighed and nodded in agreement to Varians words. "Yeah..you're right, thanks varian" he nodded and lightly hits my cheek again with the pig plushies snout. "Anytime.." he muttered but it was loud enough for me to hear.

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