monster and the willow 1/3

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I was in my room and sat next to Blaze as he was charging. I decided to take my mind off of yesterday events by drawing on an empty page in my notebook; I didn't really have anything in mind to draw I just wanted some peace and quiet.

A buzz was heard and I grabbed my phone from besides me. I saw it was from Wishes, my package had come for Varian. I was about to get up to go and get the package from the front desk but I turned to look at Blaze in worry. Every since the incident with the simulation room I had been worried to even leave him by himself for too long, I had become paranoid by him getting hurt in any possible way.

"No but really you've gone to far lately, I'm putting a stop to it!" Stella semi-yelled from outside my room and it took my attention away from blaze. I frowned but got up and went to go check outside.

I saw Stella glaring at flora, the two seemed to be in a heated argument. I froze at seeing Floras glare, she was usually the sweet one so it was pretty terrifying to see her this mad. "What's going on?" Tecna said annoyed as her and Musa stepped out of their room.

"Floras doing it as usual." Stella said annoyed and Flora rolled her eyes "I'm just carrying out a couple of experiments, I've got an exam soon." Flora said and Stella pointed at Flora angrily "no kidding you've been going on about it for over a month. I'm gonna use the power of flowers to throw off the witches evil spell!" Stella said the last bit in a bit of a mocking tone.

I looked at Stella confused "..I don't get it" Stella looked at me dumbfounded and points to my room "in case you haven't noticed your room has become a humongous chemistry lab." I turned back and saw she was right, there were tons of chemical equipment and past experiments Flora had done a while back.

"Y/n gave me permission and has offered to help me study whenever she can" Flora said immediately and Stella looked at me annoyed. "W—what I'm just trying to help, I already passed the test a while back—" Stella crossed her arms and cut me off "yeah some test."

Musa lightly hits Stella's arm. "She took on the trix's alone, give her some credit will you." Stella sighed in frustration and looked back at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Y/n.." I nodded and Musa smiled and spoke up "besides it'll all be over once Flora aces that exam, so don't worry about it—"

Stella immediately cut off Musa "don't worry about it?! Have you girls seen my room!" We all enter Stella's room and she points to her window sill. "I have Flora permission to put her flowers over there because they need a lot of sunlight but then she spread herself out and put a much of melanoma Barra Cosa!"

Flora shook her head "it's Minosa Bara Tosa" Stella groaned in annoyance "whatever! I mean she put them right next to my mirror girls, my mirror!" Flora shrugged in response "it's normal they feed off reflective light, your mirror is huge so it's perfect!" She said optimistically and Stella glared at her and points to the flowers near her mirror that were dancing around and messing with Stella's stuff.

"You think that's normal!?" Stella yelled out and Musa grabbed mines and Tecnas arms and dragged us out of Stella's room as her and flora were gonna keep arguing about this. "Musa—?" I said a bit confused and she sighed "those two can figure it out without us being involved." Tecna nodded "I agree. They are grown enough to come up with a solution by themselves."

I nodded and was about to go back in my room but remembered Varians gift that was waiting by the front desk. I immediately ran out of the apartment and make my way downstairs to the front desk.

I go to Ms. Grieselda who was typically at the front desk, she looked up at me sternly. "Ah, Y/n. Here for the packages correct." I nodded and she hands me the two packages I got; one of them was big and the other was small. "Thank you." I said and she nodded before refocusing on her paperwork.

I ran back to the apartment upstairs and went straight to my room. I look around for any any scissors before I remembered I'm a fairy. I got out my finger and used a small heat ray coming from my finger to cut open the small package.

I smiled and saw the snowflake design, I didn't end up giving him the necklace and ended up giving him snowflake bracelet instead; so he can match the bracelet he got for me a while back.

It was a similar design to the bracelet he got me, the only difference was that it was gold/or silver and it had snowflake instead of flames.

I then opened the bigger box by using the same fire technique I used on the smaller box. Inside the box was the piggy plushie I thought he would like. I sighed in relief "who are those for?" Musa's voice rang from behind me and I jumped in surprise and turned my head over my shoulder.  Musa looked at me confused "y/n?" Musa said once more and it snapped me back into reality.

"Ah—sorry, there for varian. His birthday was a while back and I wanted to get him a gift." Musa smirked but then grew confused once. "His birthday passed." She said and I nodded"it was in April, I'm a month late but I hope he likes them.." Musa laughed "I'm sure he'll love it y/n" also nodded in agreement and I smiled but noticed Tecna wasn't nearby, "where's tecna?" I asked and Musa shrugged "she went to grab something from her closet."


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I was texting Varian to see if he wanted to hang out when suddenly Flora walked into the room, I noticed her saddened look and got concerned

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I was texting Varian to see if he wanted to hang out when suddenly Flora walked into the room, I noticed her saddened look and got concerned. I left Blazes side as he was still charging and made my way over to Floras side of the room.

"Flora, you okay?" I said and she just nodded. My concerns grew as I saw her packing her equipment. "Flora..? Where are you going?" I asked and she paused "the black mud swamp. The rooms at Alfea aren't suited for my experiments."

I frowned "but flora that's dangerous, what if something happens to you" she frowned "Tecna was strangled by one of my plants, Y/n..I can't stay any longer"

I didn't know what to say, it was obvious Flora felt guilty but going to the black swamp alone was dangerous enough.

"I'll go with you then."

She looked shocked "really?"

I nodded "yeah, I say I'd help you with your experiment and that's what I plan to do. Besides I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt in the swamp."

She smiled and tackled me into a hug, I was shocked by the suddenness but hugged her back.

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