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That night Chris found her on the living room floor and carried her to bed, the next day she didn't come out of her room. She'd been plagued by dreams, trapped in the body of her long dead ancestor Georgina Cavendish. It was like she was experiencing it all and was unable to change the outcome.  She hoped she'd be able to find some happiness in her own life, she didn't want to be another tragic figure.

On the third day in isolation she was confronted by Chris and Olivia wanting answers. She'd sworn them to secrecy and  told them everything, her fears, her regrets ... to say they were both shocked was one thing but the best part was how they supported her. Once it was over she called in sick to work and went to harrods and spent thousands of pounds on shoes and clothes. She didn't even care. Normally she was much more sensible, but fashion made her happy and she bought her feelings, swapping every anxiety she had for a pair of Manolo's or the handbag she'd convinced herself previously was too much money for something so small.

That week she barely eat, she was a shadow falling deeper into a depressive haze till Chris and Olivia finally had enough and put a stop to her wallowing and her compulsive shopping.

"Gigi, you need to stop... you can't just starve yourself and buy your happiness back. We literally can't fit anymore net a porter delivers into this apartment"  Olivia said

"I know we don't know what you going through, but we're your friends, your family and we're here for you, no matter what" Chris said affectionately as he pulled her into a hug kissing her forehead

"It's not all for me, I've bought some things for you guys too?"

"Well in that case carry on" Liv said cheekily

"No! Look we don't want you to buy us things, we just want to help you come to terms with everything. What you're going through sucks but there are positives" Chris said
"Speak for yourself, she can buy me as many things as she wants" Olivia said laughing


"You'll be a duchess, a bonafide princess... yes the reality of that I understand it won't be like the Princess Diaries or even the fairytales we were obsessed with when we were children but you'll be able to do so much good... you'll be able to help people which you'll be amazing at once you get started" Chris said kindly

"Yes he's right, you'll be able to do a lot and you'll get too travel the world and it's not like you'll be married to a troll ... Prince Harry is sexy"

"Oh god, I'll have to sleep with him? He'll take my virginity, oh god oh god oh god"

"Relax, he probably won't do anything till you're comfortable and he might not even then. He'll probably see this as a fake marriage"

"But they will make us have children ... eventually... they'll own me, my uterus, they'll decide what I wear, what charities I support, I'll be a thing, a barbie"

"No no no you won't... they need this to work and they need you, you have more power than you think. They might own you but you still have power. Besides if you think anybody else is being responsible for your beat and locks you've got another thing coming"

"Totally, they need this marriage too... so let's get to thinking about your list!" Olivia smiled

"What list?"

"Things you want, things not negotiable like me being on your hair and make up team"Chris said laughing

"Like you have a choice, I'll need you both more than you know"

So that's how Gigi found herself again, well not herself because she still wasn't sure who she was but if she was being forced into this life she was going to have some control and was going to be the best duchess she could be...

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