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Taylor's POV

Travis gets on one knee, takes a box out, and I just look at him. "Will You Marry Me?" He says,"No, " I say, and everyone gasps."Why not?" Travis says, and I look at him."Do you not love me?" He asks, and I chuckle "Travis I love you like crazy ok" "So why did you say no" Donna says "Cause I'm happy right now and I don't need to get married to prove that...  not yet, " I say, and Travis smile "Okay but we will one day, right?" He says,"If I said no, I'd be an idiot, " I respond, and he looks at the babies."Look at them, " I say, and he nods."I can't stop. " "Aunt Avery is here," Avery says, making her entrance. "Hey Ave," I say. "I'm sorry we're late," Avery says. "We?" I raise my eyebrow "Joe wouldn't let me drive cause I was excited so he drove me" She says "Avery this child is giving you energy" Joe says walking in "Hello Joseph" I say reluctantly when my best friend looks at me and mouths "Say Hi" "Hello Taylor" He responds.

"Hey Joe" Travis says "Hey Trav" he responds "Wait, when were you two on nickname basis" Avery says "Oh I mean we're actually quite good friends now" Travis says "We share common interests" Joe says "And" He says "We have the same type" Joe says and he and Travis laugh then Avery hits Joe's shoulder "That is so disrespectful you two one to your ex and Travis to the mother of your children and your girlfriend that's horrendous and Joe if you make anymore jokes like that" she looks him in the eyes "I will chop your dick off" I smile when she says this "That's My Girl!" I say and the babies fuss "Oh sorry"

"Oh my god, Tay, you know what we should do" Avery says and I look at her "When were like 80 and Travis and Joe are dead we should get married" "Yes" I say

9 months later

"Vi" Avery says to her daughter who won't feed "Please eat" She says "You ok" Joe says "Hey gorgeous" Travis says walking in behind him "Hey you" I say and I kiss him. He puts Char and Belly down "Mama" Belly squeals "Hi my baby" I say and in a second Bella stands up and walks over to me "OH MY GOD" I exclaim and Char crawls over and pushes Bella over who then starts crying "Charlotte Rose!" Travis yells and I look at him in shock "Did you just yell at our daughter" I say "She pushed her sister" He says "We'll talk about this later ok" I say and he nods....

I actually updated oh my god but anyways hope you have/ had a good day x

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