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Taylor's POV

We get to Donna's and we see Joe's car "Great he's here" I say and Trav looks at me "Be nice to them ok" He says "I'm always nice" I say and he chuckles "Sure whatever you say babe" I roll my eyes and we get out the car. We walk in "Auntie Tay!!!" I hear three girls shout "Hey girls" I say as i hug the three of them "Wow look at her belly" Wyatt says "How babies" Little Bennett babbles "Belly and Char are very good thank you for asking Miss Benny" I say and Joe walks in with Avery "Oh Hi" Joe says in his very thick british accent "Hi you two" I say and then me and Ave break out in tears and hug eachother "I'm sorry" She says "I should have never got with him" She says and Joe looks at her "Ouch" He says and me and Avery chuckle "Sorry baby" She says "That's gonna take a minute cause I have just stopped calling him that" I say and Travis and Joe look at eachother awkwardly.

"Hurt my sister, and you won't have another day on the planet" Travis says and I hug him "Belly and Char won't stop kicking" I say and he puts his hand on my belly "Belly, Char stop kicking mommy please" He says and they stop all of a sudden "So can I ask you about pregnancy" Avery says and I realise something She's never asked me about it My eyes widen OH MY GOD SHES PREGNANT WITH MY EXES BABY I put my hand on my stomach and look at Avery then Joe and then I look at both of them multiple times "FUCK THE BABIES WONT STOP" I yell kind of snapping "You ok Tay" Avery says "You, me talk right now" I say to Joe sharply and Joe's eyes widen when we go to the corner "You know don't you" He says "Yes can I just ask a fucking question" I say "What" "You told me you didn't want kids and when I got pregnant you seemed happy when I miscarried" I say "Well I've changed since last year" He says "Ok" I say and I grab his collar "If you dare hurt my best friend like you hurt me oh trust me your grave is dug my friends" I say and I let go of his collar.

I walk out of the corner and look at Avery "Hey" She says, and I start crying. She hugs me. "I know," I say, and she starts crying, and she says, "You do," and I nod. "Oh my god" Kylie says catching on and Avery nods then Kylie starts crying and we let her in the hug then Donna shouts "Oh My Shit" and she starts crying then we are all in a hug and the guys are confused "What's going on" Travis says and we all says "muhmmhmh" which was meant to be "There's another baby" and Travis gets it from all my pregnancy mumbling "Oh baby sis" He says opening his arms and she hugs him. He death stares Joe and Joe kind of backs away. "Joseph William Alwyn, give me a hug right now," Avery says and Joe hugs her "Damn so there's really another bun in the oven" Travis says "I'm gonna have 6 little grandbabies" Donna says and we aka the ladies all cry hysterically.

"I would say tell them to calm down but you have A Grandmother, Two Pregnant Woman, one who threatened me earlier and a mother of three who could probably murder me" Joe says and all the guys nod "I see where your coming from also I can imagine Taylor threatening being very hot" Travis says winking at me "Travis I'm not even in the mood today these children keep pushing on my pelvic floors and if you try to have sex with me one more time I will chop your dick off" I say very monotone and calm "Sorry honey" Travis says nervous and everyone laughs "Oh no I'm not kidding" I say then everyone looks at me terrified "Please don't threaten to chop off my dick" Joe says to Avery "Ok I won't" Avery says and they kiss when I hug Trav "The babies are really hurting" I say and Travis rubs my back "Thank you" I say and he kisses my head "I love you" He says "I love you more" I say "Well that's impossible" Travis says "Gross but adorable" Jason says and everyone chuckles.

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