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Travis' POV

Me and Taylor pull up to Jason's house "There's her car" Taylor says with nerve on her voice "It's ok baby" I say and we go in. "Taylor honey how are you!" My mom says when we go to the kitchen hugging Taylor "I'm good how are you Donna" Taylor responds "I'm very good and most important how's my grandbaby" My mom says making Taylor and I chuckle "Well Tay and I went to a ultrasound" I say and mom looks at me and her "I'm seven weeks and we heard the heartbeat which was detectable and me and Trav are in love with this little waffle" Taylor explains. Avery walks in "Mo- Oh Travis nice to see you" Avery says and she pushes past Taylor sending Taylor back a bit "Avery Clara Rose" My mom says "Oh sorry did I hurt the brother fucker" Avery says pissing me and Taylor off as Avery walks out "I'm sorry babe" I say telling she's  a bit upset "No it's fine" 

1 hour later
Taylor's POV

"I didn't do anything with him it was just puppy love for a week" Avery says talking about her newest break up with Matt "I didn't fuck him after 10 minutes" she says staring at me "Av-" Travis starts but I interrupt "Fuck Off Avery!" I yell and everyone stares at me in shock. I never have outbursts but since I found out about the baby I've grew a backbone cause I want to protect the baby when it's born "What" Avery says in shock "Will you fuck off"  I say "Taylor I-" Avery starts "No you don't get to talk I've been wanting to tell you what happened the day me and Travis got together but you blocked me, won't talk to me and won't even listen to me" Everyone looks at Avery "Fine talk" she says and I explain "When me and Travis when he asked me if I liked him in a sexual way and I let it slip I've thought he was hot and I've thought that for about 10 years but I never did anything cause I was a good friend but that day I let temptation take over I wasn't thinking and he put his hand on my thigh and when we pulled up I kissed him and trust me I felt bad cause I knew that I would have betrayed your trust and then things got out of hand but it felt so right and your brother has liked me in that way for 15 goddamn years and never did anything cause he wanted to protect you and yes I'm pregnant but I love your brother so much and if you can't accept Fuck you I'm happier than I ever have been I'm having a kid, I'm with a man I love so please if your gonna treat me like shit cause I slept with your brother and let go of a 27 year friendship maybe we weren't meant to be friends" I say and the family looks at me shocked "Sorry" I say and go back to eating "Did you really just say Travis came onto you" Donna says "I'm done talking about this unless the person who goes around calling people Slutty Whores has something to say" I say and I continue eating.

That night

We are snuggling qt home "I'm sorry" I say "For what" Travis says confused "Going off infront of your family" I say and he chuckles "I'm proud of you" He says "Wait really" I ask and he nods but then there is a knock on the door and we know the pattern "I'll get it she'll want to see me" I say and he nods. I go to the front door and open it "Avery" I say seeing her standing there with a sad look on her face "I'm sorry" She says "I know you are" I say with a soft smile "So are we good" She asks me "I guess" I say chuckling and we hug.

Ok so I have this idea for a different story if you want to hear about that I'll post that on the conversation thing. Hope you have/had a good day x

The Secret (Tayvis AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant