04 || Keys

36 1 0

Octavia Lestrange

I forgot my keys.

I forgot my fucking keys.

How did this even happen in the first place? I'm here for not even a day and I already lost them.

I search my pockets again, but I'm unable to find them. I'm fucked.

I can't get in my dorm room so that means I have nowhere to sleep. I sigh and grab my phone. I unlock it and go to call Draco.

I wait impatiently while biting my nails hoping for him to pick up.

please Lord make him pick up.

After a couple of seconds the ringing stops and I hear loud music blaring through the speakers. I forgot Draco was still at the party. "hey Draco, can you hear me?" I ask.

"Yes, I can hear you, what's going on Octavia?" he shouts, trying to be understandable with the loud music in the background.

I sigh. I'm kind of embarrassed by this whole story. "so I uhh, lost my dorm keys?"

"Wait, you already lost them?" He asks, chuckling softly.

"It's not funny! I have nowhere to sleep because I can't get inside my room!" I grown, annoyed.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a second. I was done with this party anyways" he shouts, and then he hangs up the phone.

I put my phone in my back pocket again and search my purse once more, and then the pockets of my jacket, but I really can't find them.
If I remember correctly I had put them in my pocket.

Did they fall out?

No, thats impossible, the pockets of my jacket have zippers, there's no way my keys fell out unless I didn't close the zipper.

I hear footsteps and look up just to see Draco coming around the corner, I smile at him and walk towards him."hey, thanks for coming" I say, still noticing the awkwardness of what happened back at the party.

"Hey, Let's go to my dorm, you can stay there for tonight" He says, smiling. I nod and follow him towards the boys dorms, and he unlocks the door for me.

"You can grab a spare key for your room from Dumbledore's office tomorrow, right now he's already asleep probably" He says, and I point to the two double beds that are standing in the room.

"Which one is yours?" I ask, curiously.

"The left one, the other is Mattheo's" He nods, and I drop down on Draco's bed remembering he told me he shares a dorm with Mattheo.


I take off my heels and rub my feet, they're sore from climbing the stairs and walking the whole evening. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower? You have a hoodie and sweatpants I can borrow right?" I ask him, kicking my heels to a corner of the room.

"Of course" He says, pulling a grey hoodie and grey sweats out of his closet. "Go ahead, Oh and lock the door, I don't know when Mattheo is coming back" he says, and I nod.

I stand up and enter the bathroom. I know I already took a shower before dinner but I just want to wash the night and the trouble away, so a hot shower is the only thing that might help with that.

I turn on the water and undress, quickly grabbing a towel before stepping inside the shower.

I make quick work of it, using some of I hope Draco's shampoo for my hair and some wash for my body, after that's done I relax for a couple of minutes before turning the shower of, stepping out of it.

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