03 || Weed

52 1 0

(Tw: the mentioning and use of weed)

Octavia Lestrange

I smile at myself in the mirror, approving my outfit for the party tonight.

I'm wearing a short, dark green silk dress that just covers my ass, and my hair is put in a messy bun. I've put on some black heels with green accents and some red lipstick.

I shake my head and smile, grabbing my purse and phone, and then I walk out of my dorm, locking the door behind me.

Theo's already waiting for me in the hallway and I smile at him while he checks me out, and then he gives me a nod of approval.

"You look great, Octavia" he says, smiling.

I chuckle softly. "You're not so bad yourself"

He grins and together we walk out of the hallway and down the stairs, to the exit of the common room.
We're not even in the dungeons yet and I can already hear the music blasting.

I wonder if the teachers are okay with this?

Me and Theo walk down the stairs to the dungeons, and enter the room, searching for Draco and the rest of our group. I notice everyone's here except for Mattheo.

Weird. He seems like the one that would party the most out of all of them.

"I'm gonna go grab some drinks, Theo. I'll be right back" I tell him, walking over to the table with drinks, while he walks over to where the group was standing.

I ask for a Bacardi redbull and some shots, and I carry them with me to where Theo was standing just a few seconds ago, but he's gone.

I quickly spot him at a table in the back of the room, along with the boys and Pansy and Astoria.

Mattheo is still not here, not that I want to know where he is or anything, he can rot away in his room for all that I care about.

I walk over to the table and set the shots down. "Enjoy" I say while sipping at my Bacardi redbull, sitting down next to Draco.

"So, Octavia" Pansy blurts out. "What kind of horrendous dress did you decide to wear now? The one that screams "Nature?" Or do you represent something like dirty grass people walk on?"

I roll my eyes and ignore her comment, sipping away at my drink while smiling at her sarcastically.

Putting me and her in the same room is like putting fire and gasoline together, when separated nothing is wrong, but when put together, it explodes into a blazing hot fire. Not to mention the fact pansy, Astoria and I have a history together.

Its literally just a day since we've seen each other again and she already makes me want to claw the hair out of her head with her snarky comments.

Not to mention the fact she said something about my weight, a touchy subject if I may say so, and definitely not something you want to joke about when I'm around.

"Ignore them" The boy that if i remember correctly is called Lorenzo smiles at me. "They're always like this, but they'll warm up to you eventually"

I roll my eyes. "Eventually? How long is that gonna take, forever? And I don't want them to like me, I couldn't care less about what they think" I say, knowing damn well thats absolutely not true. I don't actually want them to Like me, I just want them to shut up and not comment about everything I wear or do.

"If you say so" Lorenzo shrugs his shoulders and continues the conversation he was having with Theo and Blaise, so I turn to Draco.

"These party's here always this big? how do the teachers not notice?" I ask, inspecting my surroundings curiously.

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