01 || Hogwarts

57 3 0

Octavia Lestrange

The doors to the school open and a soft breeze of wind comes right up in my face, messing up my hair.


I shake my head and quickly grab my suitcase, and then I pick up a steady stride as I walk inside the school, my head held high and my aura confident.
I hear the doors close behind me, and with a tug at my cloak I walk further, leaving the entrance behind me, ready to try and find Dumbledore's office in this huge building.

I've never been to hogwarts before, I was sent to beaxbatons by my mother, without a second doubt. But after getting into too much trouble there, I got expelled and sent to hogwarts, as it was the only school that still had places available this time of the year.

The only school that wanted me.

I sigh and walk up to The entrance of Dumbledore's office, telling the water fountain the password. I step up at the stairs and wait as it moves up, and then I knock on the wooden door that is, hopefully, the right office.

I don't get an answer, so I wait a couple of minutes, but still I get no answer.
Annoyed, I let out a sigh and roll my eyes. As soon as I want to yank open the door, it's already being opened and a boy steps out, glancing at me.
I don't even make an effort to smile, but while he walks down the stairs I look over my shoulder, glancing at him.

why does he look so familiar?

I shrug and step inside the office, closing the door behind me. "good evening sir" I say, setting down my suitcase by the door, and then I walk over to the only chair standing in front of de desk. I sit down and stare at the old man in front of me, whom I assume is Dumbledore.

"Octavia Lestrange, To what do I owe you my pleasure?" He speaks, as if he doesn't know why I'm here in the first place.
"I think we both know well enough why i'm here, and i'd rather not talk about it" I say, nodding my head, before looking around the office. It's filled with all sorts of weird instruments and theres a phoenix in it's cage in a corner of the room.
My eye catches the old, disgusting hat that's sitting on a shelf.

The sorting hat.

The hat that has my entire future planned out, the one that's gonna determine if i'm really my mothers child or not, if i'm a true Slytherin or not.

"Ah, yes, Octavia, I want to welcome you to hogwarts, I hope you had a safe trip?" Dumbledore's voice startles me and I get snapped out of my daydreaming, and I simply nod at him.
"Well, I see your not that talkative right now, so i'll get right into it" He stands up and walks over to the shelf, grabbing the sorting hat. "I'm sure you know what this is?"
"Of course I know what it is, it's the sorting hat, but it won't be necessary" I say. "I already know I'm a slytherin, I'm a Lestrange after all"
"Well, Octavia, we are going to find that out now" He says as he places the hat on my head, not even a couple seconds after that it blurts out a soft 'Slytherin' and then the hat goes limp again.

"I told you so" I mutter, before standing up. "I'd like to get to my common room now, I already know the password. Where can I find it?"
Dumbledore simply smiles at me, with his blue, unnecessary kind eyes. "You can find the common room in the dungeons, But another student is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. He'll guide you" He says, still smiling. "I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year, and after that we'd be happy to have you return for your 7th year of hogwarts"

He hands me a key and when I grab it he softly holds my hand for a second, still smiling.
I shake my head and mutter a 'we'll see' before grabbing my suitcase and exiting his office, slamming the door shut.

This man irritates me with his unnecessary kindness, it's annoying.

I walk down the stairs and when i'm at the bottom, I look around only to spot Draco standing there, an apple in his hand.
When he sees me, he smiles at me and walks over. "Octavia, it's great to see you" He says, pulling me in for a small hug. "I didn't know you were coming to hogwarts? why didn't you tell me?"
"I forgot, A lot happened at Beauxbatons, I got expelled, so I had to go here" I say, smiling up at him. "It's great to see you too"
He nods his head, and then starts walking. "we'll have time to catch up later, I'll take you to the common room and your dorm so you can drop off your suitcase, after that, i'd like you to meet my friend group"
I smile and follow him in his tracks, carrying my suitcase close to me. "i'd love to meet them"

Draco and I always have been best friends, Our parents are close, or, at least my mother and his, so we've known each other since a young age.
In the past, we have had been lovers, I think it's about two years ago now, but we decided it is better to just stay best friends, and it's worked better then ever, we know everything about each other. It's nice to at least know one student around here.

We get to the dungeons pretty fast, and Draco mumbles the password. A snake on the door starts to move and the doors open, revealing the common room.

It looks like we're under the lake, there are ceiling lights which cast a greenish glow around the room, and green candles are hanging at the wall. The walls are made of black stone, in some places wet, water dripping down the wall.
The chairs and sofa's are black, and there's a big fireplace with a portrait of Horace Slughorn above it. He smiles when he sees me and Draco enter, and then he goes completely still again.

"so, this is the common room, the stairs that go left are the boys dorms, and the stairs that go right lead to the girls dorms, but we are allowed to enter each others dorm with permission" Draco tells me, walking up the stairs on the right.

I grab the key to my room out of my pocket.

Room 06, how convenient.

We enter a long hallway and I stop in front of door 06, glancing at Draco. "Its this one, hold on" I put the key in the lock and twist, opening the door.
I kick it open with my foot and step inside, glancing around.

There's a double bed, and a door that leads to a walk in closet, on the right there's a door that I assume leads to the bathroom.
The floor is made out of dark wood, a green carpet covering the floor in front of the bed. The walls are the same stone like downstairs.

"This is nice, I like it" I say, setting my suitcase down on the floor and jumping on the bed. "You should text me your room number, so I know where to go when I need you"

Draco smiles at me, and then he sits down next to me. "It's room 02, I share it with Mattheo, I'm sure you'd get along, he's also in my friend group"

"wait, you mean Riddle? Mattheo Riddle? " I look at him, shocked. "That's voldemorts son, Draco"

"I know, but he's nothing like his father, I mean, yeah, he's a deatheater, but most of us are" He says, nodding his head. "Anyways" He stands up and smiles. "I'll leave you alone right now, so you can unpack and all that, meet you at seven in the dining hall? I'll save you a seat"

"Yeah, sure, whatever" I blurt out, shocked by the news that my best friend is friends with Voldemorts son. "I'll see you at seven, Bye Draco"

He nods and exits the room, closing the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I stroke my arm, knowing the dark mark is hiding there beneath all the layers of fabric, hidden for everyone except me.

My mother forced the mark onto me, saying if I was truly her daughter, i'd do it and safely follow Voldemorts orders. At that time, it scared me, but the mark has never been acting up, so I think it'll be okay.

I sigh and Open my suitcase. I grab my wand and cast a spell, making all the stuff in my suitcase move to the closet and other spaces.

You can call me lazy but this is way more easy than unpacking it by hand.

When all the stuff is in it's place, I stand up and grab a chill outfit, and then I step inside the bathroom. It's Christmas break, so uniforms are not necessary.

I turn the shower handle and let the water fall down, and then I undress while letting the water get warm. After that, I step inside the shower, letting the warmth consume me whole while trying to relax after this long travel.

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