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SUMMARY: You get stood up by your Tinder date, but at the same time you run into a man who works at the bar and seems to be into you. Or that's what you think when you read his message he wrote to your receipt, asking you to return to the bar the next day.

PAIRING: (kinda)CEO!Harry x plussize!reader

WARNING: sexual content


You harbor the delusional thoughts of your date getting caught up in something... anything, just a tad more, just so that the heartache comes a few moments later. It stings, probably more than you'd ever admit to anyone, but you can't help it.

Sitting on the barstool in the dimly lit bar you glue your eyes onto your pornstar martini, the second you've had since arriving an hour and about five 'Where are you?' texts to Brannon before. All of them sit delivered but unread in your messages. You reach for the glass and finish the drink in two big gulps, the alcohol bringing an almost numbing sensation to your closed up throat, but it fades rather fast.

What hurts the most is that this is not a first date. He met you just three days ago on the coffee date you two arranged once you were over just exchanging messages on that awful dating app you always swear to never download again but end up back on it at one point. It's not like he would have walked in tonight and could have a shock about your looks, that you do in fact have quite some extra weight, your thighs are thick, curving into your ass that might look good on a better day, but only if it's covered, because every time you look at it the only thing you see is the stubborn cellulite you can never get rid of. He saw that you're miles away from having a flat stomach, you weren't blessed to be the kind of big girl who has a slim waist and beautiful round waist. You often stop in front of the mirror to assess how big your arms look if you wear something sleeveless, how your collarbones only show if you put your hands to your hips and force your shoulders forward to bring them out.

He saw all of these. Yet he suggested meeting again, pulling you into a ridiculous dream that he might be different and you could finally have the burning, passionate love you've always dreamed about.

Now it feels more like a nightmare.

"Another one?"

The bartender appears in front of you, one hand on the counter, the other one on his hip as he looks at you with a questioning look. You glance up at him, then at the empty glass and decide to just fuck it and get drunk before going home and raging your fridge for whatever comfort food you can find.

"Sure. Bring a shot as well."

"Vodka, tequila, rum or...?"

"Vodka sounds fantastic," you breathe out as you square your shoulders and run a hand through your hair.

The guy nods and then disappears again. While he is making your drink you decide to have a trip to the bathroom. You wave at the bartender to let him know you'll be back and when he nods you make your way to the back.

You chose the bar for tonight, it's a nice place, feels intimate and... hot, maybe that's the word you used when you were here with your girlfriends a few weeks ago. It was the perfect spot for a girly night, but the vibe of the place definitely doesn't limit it to a strictly feminine spot. There were plenty of men around even then and one mysterious man sent over a whole round of drinks, he remained unknown but he was probably enamored by one of your friends.

You were convinced Brannon would like this place and you could see the two of you curled up in a booth, finally overstepping the awkwardness of being around someone you met online.

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