Chapter 19: New Beginnings

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Dearest Vivienne,

I must apologize profusely for my dwindling letters as of late. It was never my intention to leave you in the dark regarding matters on the battlefield and it was especially not my intention to worry you. Again I am very sorry, but I promise you my neglecting to write was with good reason.

I have found myself busy with a feat that you and I both consider extremely important. Indeed, I am writing to you with fantastic news.

We have won the war against Metarkon! I have slain King Icup and with the defeat of the king the rest of the army quickly fell. We are currently negotiating terms for an unconditional surrender, but I assure you I will be returning home soon.

Know that I have missed you very dearly, and it is my sincere hope that with the end of this war comes new beginnings for the futures of our countries and our marriage.

See you soon, your wife,
Queen Natalia of Gladoria

Vivienne held the open letter with shaking hands as she reread Natalia's words over and over again. Defeat of the king... negotiations for surrender... returning home soon.. They all became a jumble in her mind as she struggled to process the information. She had half a mind to stop herself from falling to the ground.

As the contents of the letter sunk in, the seizing in Vivienne's stomach ceased and she felt a calm she had not felt since before becoming Queen. They had won the war. King Icup was dead. Azalea was safe. Natalia was returning home.

She could've cried out with joy. It almost seemed too good to be true, but it was. Natalia had really done it. In a matter of months, and in only two battles, she had done what the Azaleans could not. Of course, Vivienne mused, she was not considered a warrior queen for nothing.

Her strategy had been genius, really, Natalia's knowledge of politics was one of her greatest traits as a warrior. She was just as aware as Vivienne was of the political situation in Metarkon following the first battle.

After the Metarkons lost the first battle with heavy casualties, the war had drastically lost popularity amongst Icup's people. Natalia had seen that slaying Metarkon's king was likely to end the war rather than continuing it, and she seized that opportunity.

Vivienne scanned the letter again, noting that it was more hastily scrawled than any of the letters Natalia had previously sent her, likely an indication of her business. Still, as she had indicated in her writing, she would be coming home as soon as the negotiations had ended.

Vivienne was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions, but the one most present was relief. She was beyond happy that Natalia was soon to return to her safe and sound. Vivienne had come to greatly appreciate her, and did not know that her heart could take any more loss.

Although Vivienne had enjoyed her stint in Gladoria, she was glad to be returning home. Her travels had served their purpose in helping to create feelings of peace and unity amongst the Azalean and Gladorian people.

Vivienne had to agree with Natalia in her letter, that she hoped this new chapter in their lives would lead to peace and prosperity. She looked over Natalia's letter a final time, gently tracing the familiar penmanship with her fingers, before finally setting it aside.

Looking up at the clear blue sky above, with soft-looking clouds gently drifting over the horizon line, Vivienne exhaled and allowed the lasts of her worries to drift away with them.

New beginnings indeed.

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