Chapter 1: Backed into a Corner

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Princess Vivienne never wanted to be Queen of Azalea. She was never prepared to be. She was given a respectable education befitting a girl from a wealthy lineage. She was raised a be a well-mannered and graceful princess of pure, noble blood. Well-schooled, but hardly fit to rule a country. Those duties were meant to be passed to her elder brother, Victor, who was crown prince and set to become king after their father passed.

However, the unexpected had happened, as it often did. Both her father and brother had passed of sweating sickness a few months prior, and Vivienne, as the only heir, suddenly became Queen of Azalea overnight at just aged twenty-two. She was the first woman of Azalea to ever rule in her own right, and though she wanted to do a good job, she was often ensure of where to even begin.

There were many things that came easy for Vivienne. Embroidery, sewing, painting, piano, horseback riding, astronomy.. but ruling was not one of them. She had struggled with taking on these new burdens while also coping with the loss of her only family. But she tried. Tried for her country, her people, and her family.

She was fortunate enough that her people had been very supportive of her reign. She had been well-liked as a princess, but being Queen was an entirely different affair. During her coronation, people had paraded down the streets cheering, throwing flowers on her behalf. With the love of her subjects, being the new Queen seemed just a little easier. Vivienne vowed she would do whatever it took for the prosperity of Azaela.

Currently she was in a meeting with her council, as she often relied on their knowledge, regarding the state of affairs in the kingdom. Beyond their technical terms and flowery explanations, Vivienne could understand what they were really saying. Suffice to say, things did not look good.

They had been engaged in war against the ambitious King Icup of Metarkon for countless years now, and the Azalea Kingdom had begun to slowly decline. They had lost many battles, and even more troops. The royal treasury was almost empty and the war had no end in sight. Icup would not rest until he had conquered Azalea.

"Our spies have reported seeing barracks set up near the Southern border," said one of the military advisors, "It's likely Metarkon is planning an advance, and soon."

The council began to whisper amongst themselves. Vivienne, too, was thinking. If they didn't do anything soon, they would surely be doomed.

"King Icup has made it clear he is unwilling to sue for peace," began another advisor, "Perhaps it is time to negotiate a treaty. We will lose territory, but harsh terms are better than losing everything. What choice do we have?"

The council remained silent. The atmosphere became tense and solemn, there was a distinct feeling of hopelessness weaving throughout every person the room. Nobody wanted to agree to Icup's harsh terms, but the advisor was right. Azalea had been backed into a corner.

The uncomfortable silence was suddenly broken by a messenger bursting into the room.

"Your Majesty," the messenger panted, "An urgent letter from Natalia of Gladoria!"

The room was no longer silent. Tension was quickly replaced by curiosity as everyone began to discuss amongst themselves. It was rare that Natalia ever corresponded with other rulers. She had remained aloof towards them since she had created Gladoria. And although Natalia had stayed peaceful, they worried their kingdoms would be next on her list to conquer.

Vivienne clutched the letter in her hands. It was a surprise, to be sure. She didn't know what to think. She certainly hoped it was not a declaration of war. War against King Icup was bad enough, but if Natalia decided she wanted to be involved, they stood absolutely no chance! She was the most powerful warrior to exist in centuries. Gladoria had the best army, the best strategies, the best weaponry..

Vivienne swallowed nervously. Was it possible that Natalia had noticed the flaws in their kingdom? The cracks in their veneer? Had she just been biding her time, waiting for an opportunity to swoop in and crush their kingdom, to take more land for herself?

With every eye in the room trained squarely on her, Vivienne tried not to reveal her trembling hands as she began to open the letter.

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