Chapter 14: The Dropping Shoe

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It had been a week since Natalia had arrived on the battlefront, her army's presence had caused Icup's troops to encamp in trenches in what was, to Natalia, a very frustrating stalemate.

There had been no enemy contact since Metarkon had invaded. However, Natalia knew that soon they would be undergoing a vicious and bloodthirsty battle. It was only a matter of time.

For the many battles Natalia had been a part of, and of all the charges she had led, she did not fear Metarkon nor King Icup. She had not lied when she told Vivienne she had faced enemies of a far greater caliber.

As promised, Natalia wrote to her wife
frequently, though at the moment there was not much to write about. The weather was hot, the food was poor, and sleeping on the hard ground of the barracks made her irritable. But such was war.

She was pleased to hear that Vivienne was having much more success in her campaign in Gladoria. Her wife was on her mind constantly and it only further drove her to end the war as soon as possible. She'd never had someone to go home to before.

Natalia knew it was hardly practical for a warrior to be so distracted, but she'd never had motivation such as this. She had never fought for anyone but herself. This was a new feeling.

Still, the invasion remained almost amusing to her. How foolish Icup was to think he could take Azalea so easily. He had ordered an invasion of Azalea and then drawn back as soon as Natalia had arrived. He was a coward. An idiot. He would die for his stupidity.

Natalia stood over a map alongside some of her best generals, on it were various figurines representing the Metarkon and Azalean-Gladorian armies. She gestured to a flat, open area they could very well use to breach Metarkon's line.

"If we draw them out here, with our cavalry, she pointed, "We can force the bulk of our army onto them. The open field leaves them wide open for a potential encirclement."

Her generals nodded in agreement.

"Our cavalry is far superior to Metarkon;
Azalea breeds the finest racing horses in the land. We will outmaneuver them with ease." Said one.

"Our spies report around ten-thousand troops total, we have five times that." Said another.

Now Natalia laughed aloud. Icup had been hoping for a speedy invasion whilst she and Vivienne were occupied with their wedding. He had tried to use the element of surprise, to win the war before it had even started.

Now his soldiers were sitting ducks, too cowardly to fight and too proud to retreat. They were doomed, left waiting for the other shoe to drop..

King Icup had grossly underestimated her. She would win for Vivienne. It was Azalea she was fighting for, but it was Vivienne she would win for.

"Once we draw them out, we direct our full
force to their center," Natalia slammed her first down onto the table, "We crush them."

"Your Majesty, when are we to go through with this attack?" Asked a general.

"Ready the troops and inform them of the plan, we shall strike at dawn." She declared.

"My Queen, would not it be better to attack under the cover of darkness? Tonight?" Asked another.

"No," said Natalia, "I want to see the look on their faces as I slay them. I want to watch the life drain from their eyes as I butcher them like hogs."

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