Chapter 13: Throwing Flowers

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Vivienne watched rolling fields pass by as the carriage rattled and shook. If she squinted her eyes she could make out a faint shape in the distance, the front gates of Gladoria. She would be arriving soon.

Her council had made it clear during the drawing of terms that they wanted her nowhere near the battlefield. An invasion of Azalea was already risky enough, but they dare not risk their queen's life. Especially not so soon after the deaths of her father and brother..

Vivienne herself knew she would be of little help in battle. Training to fight had not been part of her education. Nor had military strategization. Natalia had tried to explain to her the various tactics she planned on using, but Vivienne remained feeling quite clueless.

In the end they both decided the best thing she could do would be to travel to Gladoria, to familiarize herself with the country and the people. It was also safer, being far away from the war zone.

Natalia assured her she was immensely popular in Gladoria, even more so now that she had married its queen. Vivienne was excited to see the kingdom for the first time and to meet Natalia's people.

She was to go on a tour of Gladoria, traveling through the country, parading through the streets, and interacting with her new citizens. Vivienne smiled to herself. This would be fun. It was just the sort of thing she was good at.

As the carriage approached the entrance gate, Vivienne could now make out the shape of a very large mob of people beyond the gate, split on each side of the paved road. It seemed the citizens of Gladoria had been waiting to catch a glimpse of her.

The entrance gates slowly lifted up and the carriage began to pass through. Vivienne suddenly became very overwhelmed with the harsh noise that followed as the crowd began to holler and cheer.

She stuck her head outside the window to the carriage and began to wave, glimpsing the many faces that waved back with joyous smiles stretching ear to ear. The crowd cheered louder.

As the carriage trotted up the street, Vivienne continued waving and blowing kisses as she observed the Gladorians for the first time. Many of them were wearing Azalean fashion. Even more wore Azaleas in their hair, and several children had begun throwing them towards the carriage.

"Queen Vivienne! Queen Vivienne! Here! Here!" They yelled, each throwing up their hands, trying to capture her attention. One little girl threw a flower that successfully landed inside the carriage and onto Vivienne's lap.

She held the flower up through the window, waving it around, and kissed it. The crowd screamed with delight. Vivienne smiled wider.

She continued waving to the crowd that had begun following close behind the progressing carriage on its way to the town square, where Vivienne would make her first speech to the people of Gladoria. She sighed happily to herself. If only Natalia could see her now.

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