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Taehyung stands in front of the painting, regarding it carefully and his gaze wanders to the white feather in the vase. This is all he got from Jungkook, despite the bracelet and his heart stings. But it is different and he welcomes the feeling somehow.

Jin and Jimin had just left and the apartment was quiet again.

Taehyung's right hand glides over his chest and stops over the scar. His heart was beating steadily and calmly again after 70 years. It was an odd sensation and he had woken every night for the past week now, in panic, feeling for it, and sinking relieved down in the pillows, when the heartbeat was still there.

Jin and Jimin could only guess about everything that had happened. He had pierced his own heart, destroying the shell that had surrounded it and he still lived. Was it his own tears that had healed him, when Jungkook had wiped his face and pressed his hands on the wound. Had he, unbeknownst to himself, saved Taehyung?

He walks to the mirror in the hall, gazing at his gray wings. Whatever he was. He wasn't a Demon or Angel and Heaven and Hell couldn't decide what to do with him after everything that had happened. That was his conclusion, because of the radio silence.

No one had answered his questions and only the Grim Reapers attended to him, being Switzerland between Heaven and Hell.

The aftermath of the fight on the bridge and the massive car crash hadn't been pretty. The news reported of earthquakes and sudden appearing fog, causing the accidents. Several human lives were lost that night and it was only because of a Demon.

The doorbell rings and he sighs. He wasn't in the mood for humans. But he had ordered something he had to sign for, so he opened the door and his heart almost stopped.

Jungkook was standing there, his hands in his jeans, oozing that boy-next-door charm that had intrigued Taehyung from the beginning.

He smiles sadly. „I'm sorry, I couldn't come back sooner."

Taehyung feels his lips open but he can't respond. Was he really there?

Jungkook smiles more happily. „I think it's the first time I witnessed you speechless," he ponders and grins.

The joke kickstarts Taehyung's system and he grabs Jungkook's shirt and yanks him inside the apartment. Their lips crash together in a desperate kiss and both their hands touch and caress, like they want to assure themselves, that they are not dreaming. It feels like a lifetime passed when they break apart and they lean their foreheads together, breathing each other in.

„What took you so long?" Taehyung whispers, and he feels like his heart is bursting with joy. It was such an unused feeling and he marveled in it, feeling without punishment.

„Were you worried?"

„Of course not."


„What a stupid question. But why didn't I feel your presence?"

Jungkook makes a face. „I'm human..."

Taehyung jerks back. „What the actual fuck!" he yells.

„... for a week," Jungkook adds, trying to calm him.

„What the fuck? Why?"

„Because I killed a Demon," he explains. „Despite all the fights, it's against The Law to kill."

Taehyung takes his hands carefully and leads him inside the apartment, seating him on the sofa.

„I am not fragile," Jungkook states sourly.

„Are you sure?"

„Of course."

Taehyung hesitates, but sits down on Jungkook's lap, placing his hands on his shoulders and enjoying the feeling of the warm body under his hands.

„You will be an Angel next week again?"

„Yes," Jungkook assures. „I have to, since we both have a job to do."

Taehyung raises his eyebrows in surprise. „We?"

„Yes," the part-time Angel assures. „We have a new assignment."

„You are kidding me."

Jungkook takes Taehyung's hands and kisses each. „No, I don't."

Taehyung's gaze lands on a filigree black feather tattoo. „You did this for me, did you?"

„Yes, and I see you still wear the bracelet I picked."

„You too. And I paid for it."

„We are an excellent team, aren't we."

Taehyung narrows his eyes but can't hide a smile. „What are we going to do? Damn you are so distracting."

Jungkook winks cheekily. „The assignment is to bring humans back onto the right path."

Taehyung looks doubtful. „I won't stand in front of Seoul Station and proselytize the masses!"

„Heaven and hell forbid, you would probably self-ignite."

„Funny," Taehyung replies dryly. „I'm not a Demon anymore," he says and makes his wings appear.

Jungkook regards them carefully. „They are pretty. Nice color."

„That is probably your fault."

„You are welcome."

„I'm not sure yet if I am grateful for the gray wings, but I am grateful for this..."

Taehyung takes Jungkook's hand and places it over his beating heart.

His lips part in surprise and his eyes flicker up to Taehyung's.

„ It is beating," he whispers in wonder, spreading his fingers over the scar.

„It is."

„It's beautiful."

Taehyung lays one hand over Jungkook's. „You didn't fail," he says, enjoying the touch he could savor without repercussions now.


„My soul."

Some time passes. „I'm glad," Jungkook whispers and looks emotional.

Taehyung leans down and captures his lips in a slow, sensual kiss, trying to pour all his feelings into it. Jungkook reciprocates and it slowly turns into something molten and dangerous.

Taehyung pulls slowly away.

„You are a fragile human at the moment."

Jungkook's blissed face turns annoyed. „I am not made of sugar."

„Too bad," Taehyung grins. „I would like to lick you."

Jungkook pushes Taehyung to the side and stands up. He pulls his shirt over his head and walks to the door, leading to the bedroom. Taehyung still grins.

„Are you coming or what?" Jungkook prompts.

„Jungkook," Taehyung answers and he halts in his tracks and turns back around. In the next second, Taehyung stands in front of him and captures his lips in another kiss.

They would have this for eternity now, starting from next week.


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