Chapter 5.5

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A second later, they appear in the almost empty Station. The last trains were about to depart for the night and some passengers hurry towards the tracks. They take an escalator down towards the subway and he feels the Angels eyes on him, but not commenting. Taehyung couldn't believe he had fallen for this spiel. What was the Angels plan? To kill him? To turn him? Into what? Would he poison him with his blood again? To finally get his Soul? To fulfill his duty?

The anger rises again with every thought and he takes a deep breath. Maybe the goblin knew exactly who the assassin was and why. And if not, he would vanish.

„Over there," Jungkook points out, when they arrive at the deepest platform, to a connecting tunnel. „There are humans over there, maybe he disguises as a homeless person."

They approach the sleeping forms and Taehyung can suddenly feel the presence of a magical being. A lump of clothes suddenly sits up, staring at them with huge dark eyes. He regards them fearfully, pressing his back into the wall, like he could hide in the stones, but of course he can't.

Taehyung and Jungkook squat down in front of him.

„I must be dreaming," comes a raspy voice and he closes his eyes and opens them again, but of course they are still there.

„We need to talk," Jungkook whispers.

The goblin lifts one hand and snaps his fingers, and Taehyung feels like in an enclosure, like in a soundproof room. They were still in the same place, but hidden.

„Neat," he comments.

The goblin folds his leg, like he would cross them, if he had another one, and looks at them attentively. His long gray hair is falling into his eyes and he wears several layers of clothing that don't match. He looked poor and shabby.

„Why are you here?" he inquires, suspiciously.

„We need information. We know you are a source."

The goblin crosses his arms, observing them intently again. „A Demon and an Angel...," he trails off. „This will cost you."

Jungkook snorts. „He is a well known model," he says and points at Taehyung. „He can give you money to get out of here."

The goblin snorts. „Money..." he murmurs. „No... What an opportunity..."

Taehyung feels an aversion rising. He had expected that the information wasn't for free, but he felt they would be coerced out of something precious.

„What do you seek as payment?" He asks.

The Goblin brushes the hair out of his face and grins with yellow teeth. „A feather and a tear."

Taehyung sits down on his legs. This was indeed a hefty price for information they didn't know the value of.

„I won't cry for you," Jungkook says and sits down as well. „What the fuck."

The Goblin rolls his eyes. „Not yours! His," and he points at Taehyung.

„Demons can't cry," Jungkook says adamantly.

Taehyung rounds on the Angel. „Again you are so narrow minded and think you know everything," he hisses, seeming to surprise Jungkook with his outburst. „I told you Demons can cry."

„I thought you said that only to rile me up."

„Why would I? I never lied to you. Only you did."

Jungkook's face hardens and he presses his lips shortly together. „Do you want to know or not?" He hisses.

„I do."

They look back at the Goblin, whose eyes bounce between them, observing intently.

Taehyung holds out one hand and his fingers transform into his black, long talons.

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