No Rest For The Wicked

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The holy union the holy ghost that haunts the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine,  Dark Witch Queen Mother,  the Coven and the once Karmic King. No rest for the wicked. What they wanted for the now Empress is what they now have for themselves, and that is endless deaths as a coward dies more than once. All a coward wants to do is live and so a coward continues to die. For stability they aimed about to bring forth instability to the now Empress. The thing about a wrongful death also know as an ending is the beginning of the wrongfully deceased,haunting those involved in bringing about the wrongful death. The once Karmic King was on the run from the inevitable exile. The coven,  the Dark Witch Queen Mother and the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine knew that their time had run out and they would also face severe punishment for their actions that has caused long term negative effects. The holy union had took on it's own existence and created a haunting that would leave no room for exit, for all involved had to pay the price of being doomed. They scattered and struggled to hold onto the illusion of structure that they had formed off deception. The once Karmic King knew that he had messed up terribly, he knew the only thing he could do was face being exiled, for he had chosen wrong. The Karmic King did not want to submit to being exiled. Lack of etiquette is what led the once Karmic King to not continue in a hopeless position but a position that was no more. He was mad and out of his mind, he gambled and he lost losses that would not be recovered.  Desperate and on the run, the once Karmic King took to social media to rant his frustrations. A paranoid once Karmic King was rushed with feelings that folks were closely watching his expenditures to capture him and bring him forth to seal his fate regarding exile. It was at this point the once Karmic King wanted to get away from the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine,  the Dark Witch Queen Mother and the coven but the opposite of the illusion was the truth that he was stuck in an illusion. Deep within the sunken place was the trapped and bound Skooby. His physical appearance was rapidly deteriorating as his body was becoming a full blown shell. The now Empress was told to not feel empathy for the once Karmic King,  for he had made his choice to be of service to darkness for his own personal selfish gain irregardless the divine holy union contract.  Meanwhile, the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine was faced with hauntings of the wrongful death of the Divine holy union. She knew her stability was over with and no other would be given to her. Telecommunications from the ghost haunted her from a series of phone calls from different phone numbers at any and all times of the day and night abruptly. What was once private was private no more, her life was under constant surveillance.  The Dark Witch Karmic Feminine would now have to live a life under a microscope. With stability being forfeited,  the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine tried to hold on to Skooby for a piece of the illusion that she didn't want to end. Skooby was a common denominator,  no skooby, no Dark Witch Karmic Feminine,  no Dark Witch Queen Mother and no coven. They all knew that once Skooby was exiled that they all would be exiled and all peace and balance would be restored with fairness and justice. They didn't want the scales to be balanced. Balance restored was coming. The now Empress had initially been offered while in Divine Feminine status, the Prince of Narlie. Destiny was swiftly swapped and the knight in player energy had taken the place of the Prince of Narlie. Anthony at one time told the now Empress that it would have been a better decision if she would have given the baby Heir to the Prince of Narlie instead of the once Karmic King. The Empress knew that if she were to pursue union with the Prince of Narlie it would be a dangerous mission for the Prince due to the fact he would skip the ranks to become Emperor.  The Prince was a threat initially and so the coven was sure to place him in harmful situations just in case the now Empress would decide after the exile of Skooby to go back to the Prince that she initially aligned with. The Empress contacted her spiritual team to make the team aware of her next move regarding the Prince...