Set Thou A Wicked Man Over Them

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The Dark Witch Karmic Feminine is the ugly duckling so ugly on the inside, she results to mirror magic and beauty spells to mask the outside.  She cannot stand to look in the mirror because what she see is the truth of her very ugly nature. She sees envy and covetousness. She sees her very ugly strong desires to possess what belongs to the now Empress. Her goal was to destiny swap with the now Empress and so she had done mirror magic and beauty spells. The year of 2022, the now Empress was still in Divine Feminine status and wasn't scheduled to become Empress until March 2023. The Dark Witch Karmic Feminine was swiftly sent in to seduce the Karmic King in the year 2022. The Dark Witch Queen Mother and the coven were trying to hurry and steal the essence of the Divine Feminine to place it within the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine so that she could become the Karmic Queen. The Karmic King was to induce as much trauma as he could to the Divine Feminine, so that while feeling traumatic experiences he could easily take her energy and sexually transmit it to the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine. Divine intervened unbeknownst to the wicked that were conspiring.  In the month of March in the year of 2023, the Karmic King had made an announcement crowning the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine as Queen. He was unaware that he was no longer the Karmic King and that his first sex acts with the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine had been a breach to his contract regarding the divine holy union. He was unaware that when he shacked up with the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine, he confirmed to the universe his forfeiture of inheritance to the one left standing in good terms regarding the contract. The Divine Feminine was promoted to Empress. The fallen Karmic King was now in an illusion that he was still the Karmic King. The newly union wasn't a union at all but only an illusion of, and so they were celebrating a false win, an illusion.  The illusion was so strong that the Karmic couple didn't realize it until one year later, the year of 2024. Legal notices has been sent to the Karmic couple from the courts. The time has arrived for the Karmic couple to pay the price for their actions. The "IT" had petitioned to spiritual court against the Karmic couple, the coven and the Dark Witch Queen Mother. They have been accused. Set thou a wicked man over them and let an accuser stand at their right hand to accuse them of their wrongs. They had made a deal with the "IT" Their time had run out. They didn't sacrifice the Empress and has been sitting in the holding cell of illusions while the "IT" brought forth the evidence against them in the spiritual case on spiritual trial. Things must first take place on the 5d realm before it can be passed down to the 3d realm. Telecommunications with the Empress and her former protector Anthony were intensified. Anthony had lost rank in an illusion after being accused of not protecting the Empress. Anthony was given the status and position of the Rook in the month of March in the year of 2021, after safely transporting the now Empress who was at the time Divine Feminine pregnant with the baby Heir. In the illusion, Anthony had lost rank as the Rook and was sent to play as the knight in player energy on the side of the Karmics. Before the year 2023 could end, Anthony reached out to the Empress for an exit out of the illusion of the knight. In the year 2024, things were becoming more and more dangerous for Anthony. He had been viciously attacked and could no longer move about freely without the covering of the Empress. In the month of April in the year of 2024, Anthony submitted his exit plan to the Empress.  The Empress was impressed by Anthony's loyalty and so the Empress typed up the order of illusions.  See, Anthony never lost rank as Rook, it was only an illusion that he did,  so that he can take on the role of the knight for the karmics while in the illusion. Anthony had presented his reasons as to why he had made the moves that he had made. Anthony made no deal with the "IT "...