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A celebration took it's place for the Karmic union as they laughed and enjoyed themselves saying they had successfully fulfilled their hidden wicked agendas for the Empress. They had begun the process of the destiny swap. The energy of the Empress had been used as a foundation for a Karmic union structure. Due to sneakiness in the stealing of the energy of the Empress, a crack was made in the foundation. Soon after the celebration while in the midst of being newly in the Karmic union, during the process of the destiny swap, the crack grew longer and wider. The crack was causing a shift so strong that it woke the sleeping Empress up. The Empress doesn't like being disturbed during her sleep for it was a sign of an intruder bringing about harm. The Empress was upset because months prior she had a premonition envisioned about a betrayal. The Empress gathered council. This was a state of emergency and going back to sleep wasn't an option on the table. In the midst of the conference, another shift happened. More cracks started to appear in the foundation. Worry not said they Empress for we have been forewarned months ago regarding this attack. The Empress passed on orders regarding the counter attack. This is it, this is what we've been waiting for is what the Empress told the council. The Empress enacted the energy call back. Pieces from the structure of the Karmic union started to fall down, as for each piece that fell, a crack in the foundation began to close back up. As the cracks closed the stronger the foundation was becoming, as the pieces of the structure fell, the weaker the structure was becoming. The karmics were scattering about, desperate to pick up the fallen pieces  but unable to make a crack in the foundation to hold the structure up. Piece by piece they all were falling down. A small few were still trying desperately to hold on, they knew the time was running out until there wouldn't be one piece left. The karmics were in check and their king was attacked or atleast that is what they thought. And in check with no legal moves to make, the karmics thought of three ways to get out of it. They could move out check, block the check or capture the piece putting them in check. In a desperate attempt to keep Skooby crowned as Karmic King to save the Karmic union, the coven implemented all three. What the coven wasn't aware of, was what was written in the fine print in the contract. The coven was aware that Skooby could not become Emperor due to entering a Karmic relationship. Skooby and the coven knew that Skooby would lose rank as Karmic King due to the fact that he had breached his contract in the divine holy union. Skooby also forfeited any and all future dealings with divine feminines and Divine unions. Skooby wouldn't even be permitted a divine relationship. Skooby and the coven somehow thought that by stealing energy from the Empress and the baby Heir would be enough to count as an exception and sustain Skooby crown as Karmic King. They thought that since they had found a Dark Witch Karmic Feminine to swap destinies with the Divine Feminine that they could make the Dark Witch Karmic Feminine a Karmic Queen. By stealing the Empress energy, they thought it would be the life of the structure holding the titles in place for the newly union. Skooby set out for a meeting with the Empress. The Empress made Skooby aware that he was no longer in a bargaining position.  The Empress reminded Skooby his scheduling to be exiled. The manic Skooby abruptly rushed off back towards the involved. Skooby out of his mind could not believe and accept that the game was officially over. Although physically present, mentally Skooby wasn't in the castle. Skooby couldn't move for he was officially stuck,trapped and bound to a hopeless position. It was at this time that the rock of truth came smashing through Skooby's mind of illusions.  Skooby had realized that the Empress vision of the betrayal wasn't about him betraying the Empress, it was all about how he betrayed himself with the help of his own pieces that had secretly and cleverly hidden their opposition against him. Skooby realized that he was no longer King and ineligible to become a pawn. It was all an illusion that Skooby had helped trap himself in. There weren't anymore pieces left of the structure to fall because the reality was the structure never existed...