Chapter 13- 57th Expedition

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Mounting onto her horse, Y/N stayed still and beside Eren as Levi Squad had also stayed close to the duo too. Their friends had been scattered throughout the layout of the formation and were put into squads too.

Suddenly, Erwin rose his hand and commenced for the 57th expedition to proceed as the horses began rushing out with the soldiers staying close to one another, only to separate soon after.

"Oluo.. do y-you think my old co-trainees can beat the Titans.?" Eren asked hesitantly.

"What?!" Oluo yelled. "Listen here you little shit, what have you been doing for the past month? An exploratory expedition is not all about engaging with Titans!"

Looking at the open field, Y/N spotted a red flare and reported it to Levi before shooting a green flare into a different direction. Soon the Squad began drifting slightly as well as the rest of the Scouts. Not too long after, a black flare was let off.

'A black flare.?! This could be an abnormal or the spy that I told father about... either way, this mission could get scrapped if it isn't dealt with.' Y/N thought to herself as she watched Gunther shoot a flare. Suddenly another black flare was shot. Soon after, yellow flares were also let out into the sky.

"This isn't good.." Petra mumbled as she looked into the distance to see a purple flare being let off and two horses galloping towards them. "Those are horses.. what're are they doing without a rider?"

"That's Jeans horse.. and the other one is Armins!" Y/N said as Eren turned his head towards her. "I can tell by the saddles and reins."

"Huh?! That means that they must be waiting for their horses to return, they could be in trouble! Y/N, we have to go-" Eren exclaimed.

"No, you're staying here Eren. Y/N, you're fully capable of doing this, you go." Levi ordered. "Get back here straight away and don't do anything stupid."

"Yes sir!" Y/N replied before cautiously grabbing ahold of both horses reins and racing off, towards the purple flare.

"Be safe.." Eren mumbled as he watched her ride off in the distance.

"Armin, Jean, please be alive.. I hope everyone is okay." Y/N muttered before speeding up. Thankfully, she was able to see a group of three and one horse beside a tree.

"Y/N. Y-Y/N?!" Jean stuttered as Y/N pulled on the reins and looked at the trio.

"Are you all okay? Your horses came running to Levi Squad and we saw your flare shoot up too.." Y/N explained as she turned to Armin. "You're head looks severely injured, are you sure you're okay?"

"We're alright Y/N. Thanks for asking us." Armin replied as he got up and held onto his horses reins.

"I can't believe the flares worked as well." Reiner said before mumbling to himself. "And who would've thought a beautiful maiden would save us?"

"I was nearby and both horses just came straight at me." Y/N explained.

"Wow. Even horses like you Y/N, it's like you have some sort of weird charisma." Reiner commented.

"I know I'm not one to say this but I'm just glad you all are okay.." Y/N muttered shyly as she looked at her friends. Staring in awe at Y/N, all three of them saw a shine of light spreading across her face, bringing Y/N's beauty out more.



'I want to marry her..'

"Let's get going." Y/N said as she grabbed her horses reins. "Did any of you happen to see anyone else?"

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