Part 75

152 10 7

"He actually reacted fine, he like disappeared for a few hours but, he didn't punch him I think" I said applying my mascara

"I actually expected him to but that's great" my sister said through my phone, she was laying in her  bed and watching me

"Honestly I did too, I was expecting a far worse reaction" I closed my mascara tube and shrugged "but I'm glad it's over now, it had been stressing me out for too long"

"Wait so what was the picture the people on your live talked about ?"

"Oh that ! It was just this really sweet picture of us sitting on the swings, scared the shit out of me for no reason"

"A lot of people are suspicious you know ? With the sweater and the bracelet, he gave you his bracelet ?!"

"He did. I commented on it while we were just laying in my bed and he gave it to me and said that people now know not to make a move on me" I grinned and looked into the phone "He's so- he's just so great Leen"

"You're so cute you disgust me. Are you gonna like tell people now that the cats out of the bag ?"

"We haven't talked about it yet, but I suppose soon, I might just drop it with Leah, just casually saying like yeah since he's my boyfriend" Leena laughs a little

"Oh yeah you know the guy you've been rooting for for months and I have been dating for a month, thought you'd want to know"

"Yeah something like that" I smile placing my last things in my bag and getting to close my suitcase "and I might tell Darcy when I'm back, when I can actually see her again, she's still on the intensive care unit"

"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Darcy knew already"

"What do you mean ?"

"Girl you were not really sly with the entire relationship, anyone with eyes could see that you're dating"

"No ? Walker didn't know"

"Yeah cause walkers oblivious and blind you can't count him"

"True, but still we were only like that around you because you knew already"

"Sure Belle, whatever helps you sleep at night" I rolled my eyes at her

"I just hope that Darcy will be fine, the most scary part is over but all of it is scary really"

"Darcy will be fine, you took care of that" I roll my eyes and shake my head

"I did nothing"

"Yeah no you just paid for her entire chemo therapy, with your card left open like it's a bar tap"  I shrugged a little

"I was able and could afford to do it, she would've done the same for me" I turned my head towards the door when I heard a knock "it's open"

"Why do you leave your door open?" Walker asked coming inside

"I thought you had a card to my room anyways"

"Yeah but I was traumatised last time I got in here so I decided to not do that to myself another time"

"Walkers there ?"

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now