Part 79

146 9 32

"Hey Darc" I said walking into her room, she was back in her normal hospital room and looking at her I couldn't even have guessed she was on the verge of dying just a week ago

"Hey Belle" she sat up on her bed and smiled at me, I sat down next to her and gave her a hug placing the flowers I had brought on her bedside table "You're walking like normal again"

"Well I'm still a little wobbly in tanners words but yeah I have my leg back. How are you feeling ?"

"Pretty good today, the past week was rough on me though"

"Yeah you scared the shit out of me" she looked down a little and then frowned

"Shut up" Darcy muttered

"What ?"

"Shut up" she now had a huge grin on her lips and looked at me "No way" I was frowning now "why wouldn't you tell me"

"Darcy I have no idea what you're talking about" she grabbed my arm and held it up

"The bracelet ? The sweater, don't even try to tell me that it wasn't his I know damn well that was aryans sweater that you wore on the live" I understood what she was talking about

"Oh, that"

"Why would you not tell me ? This is so exciting oh my goodness, since when ?"

"We started dating like a month ago"

"A month?!"


"And you kept it a secret from me tbh at long ?"

"Not only you, we just wanted to figure things out for ourselves before the whole world found out" she just grinned brightly at me

"Well tell me ?! What's he like ?"

"Oh god Darcy he's the sweetest and most amazing boyfriend ever like he's just so-" I try finding the right word but fail and just look at her

"You simp"

"Well let me simp over my boyfriend" I turned my head away a little smiling

"You're so cute, I can already tell you're the sweetest couple"

"I think Walker disagrees" I laugh

We talk and catch up for a few hours, taking a stroll around the garden and telling stories until it was time for me to leave

"Hey want me to tell you a secret before I leave ?" I ask turning around at the door and looking at Darcy who was now looking at me

"Well yeah of course"

"I think new music is pretty close, like a little birdy told me that"

"Oh yeah, the bird always huh ?" She grinned "I can't wait for it Belle it'll be amazing"

I put my headphones on and walked home from the hospital after that, making a quick stop at he grocery store to pick up a few snacks before heading home

I hummed along to the song that was playing on my headphones (invisible string) when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my self defence instincts kicked in immediately and I grabbed the persons wrist and twisted it the way Charlie showed me a bunch of times when I talked about how scary life was getting, I turned with the movement and faced the person, biting my teeth together and letting go, lowering my headphones to my shoulders

"Geez, I shouldn't sneak up on you again"

"What do you want ?"

"I mean, you know what I want" I rolled my eyes and turned back around to continue my walk, I reached for my headphones to place them back on my ears but he grabbed my wrist before I could do so in a really painful manner, I turned my head and looked at him "stop running away"

"You're hurting me" I tugged on my other sleeve and slowly pulled it over my hand to hide Aryans bracelet, scared of what he would do seeing that

"You can't just run away forever you know ?"

"Can you please let go of my wrist" I could practically feel it bruising up beneath his grip

"We wouldn't be here if you would stop being such a brat"

"Jason you're hurting me"

"I really don't care anymore" with those words right there the panic I was holding in tried desperately to show outside, my eyes moved everywhere around me within seconds trying to find a way out "You know you still want me" my heart was beating up to my throat at this point and I tried pulling my arm away from him "stop doing that" he pulled me roughly closer towards him

"Jason please" I might've been entirely calm to the outside but I was genuinely freaking the shit out inside

"Just say it, say you want me back"

"You were the one who cheated on me if I remember correctly, if you were so attached why would you cheat on me ?" He clenched his jaw but not in a regretting his actions kind of way but more a I shouldn't have said that way

He moved even closer to me, I was still struggling to get his grip to even loosen on me cause it was genuinely causing me pain

At this point I couldn't even hide the panic anymore, I looked around to find someone, anyone to help me but no one was around

"Why are you resisting so much ? Are you so scared you might want me back"

"I don't want anything from you other than for you to just let me go" wrong answer he came closer, I could feel his breath hitting my face at this point and turned my face away to avoid whatever he wanted to do

I could feel the tears burning in my eyes just genuinely terrified of Jason, how could a person I loved so much turn out so horrible

He grabbed my jaw and turned my head to face him

"Come on you know you want me back just as bad as I want you back" a tear fell onto my cheek and I looked at him incapable of saying something or moving at this point, my heart was beating a thousand beats per second and then he connected our lips

I stood frozen, not moving, not kissing him back, just standing there frozen in place. I felt like throwing up and screaming and running until my lungs burned. Instead I couldn't even move.

Authors Note:
Well I started this wanting a sweet happy chapter... 😁
Anyways... Jason man leave my poor girl alone

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now