Part 80

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Jason didn't let go. Tears were streaming down my face now and I was lacking any helpful memories

Then they came back all at once, the freeze lifted slowly and I blinked


Charlie's voice came into my head again

Kick them with your knee, that'll make them let go

I raised my knee and kicked him between his legs

Then a punch in the gut, make sure you get the first one good, hold your hand like that and just give all your force and all your anger and your fear in

I punched him in his stomach, real hard, he stumbled back a few steps

Then one last one in their face, it'll take them a minute to get back from that and while they gather understanding what's going on you just run

I got one last punch in his face and ran, the adrenaline kept all the pain out of my leg

Don't look back once while running, just run however long you can, and if you can't run hide somewhere, behind a bush or something while they're trying to get back up from the last punch

I practically fell behind a bush once I was sure I was out of sight

Trigger warning: slight panic attack; skip to the stars if you don't feel comfortable reading this <3

I was hyperventilating real bad, like panic attack bad, my hands were shaking and I was crying uncontrollably

Focus on 5 things you can see The sun, the bush, the street, my hands, the tree 4 things you can hear the birds, the cars a few streets down, the wind blow through the tree, my music still playing on my headphones

I calmed the panic attack slightly but was still crying like crazy and with the adrenaline slowly wearing off I felt my leg burn terribly


I reached for my phone and opened my contacts, I searched through the names to find someone to call A;B;C... Charlie he'll know what to do

It's been a minute since I talked to Charlie but he didn't even let the phone ring twice and picked hi immediately

"Hey Belle what's up ?" I opened my mouth to say something, anything but I was at a loss for words, all that came out was a sob "Belle ? Where are you ? What's going on ? Are you okay ?"

"J-Jason he-he just- and I- Charlie"

"Belle, where are you"

"I don't know, behind a- a bush"

"Okay" he seemed to be thinking cause he was quiet for a few seconds "are you alone ?"


"Okay, are you okay ?" I didn't answer, I didn't know, I don't think I was "okay, are you safe ?"

"I think so"

"Okay that's all that's important right now" his voice was as calm and comforting as always "it's okay, whatever is going on it'll be okay. Hey want to hear my chickens ? I got chickens they're really cute wait listen" I heard like baby chicken chirping I think and I couldn't help laughing a little "they're really cute, you'll have to visit to see them once I think you would love them" we stayed on the phone for a while as I just sit there and calmed down until I felt I was ready to walk the rest back home, Charlie stayed on the phone all the way back and even until I was in my room and said that I'm okay on my own

I sat at my vanity and looked into the mirror, I just stared at myself in the mirror, I had a mark of Jason's ring near my mouth but other than that and the little mascara buildups under my eyes there was no other signs of it on my face, then I looked at my wrist which had sure enough bruised up terribly even in just an hour

I put my elbows onto the vanity and rested my forehead against my hands


"Yeah ?"

"It's dinner time are you coming ?"

"I'm not really hungry mom I ate with Darcy"

"Are you sure ? We made your favourite, chicken Alfredo"

"Sorry, I'm just really full and I'm not feeling great, I'll probably head to bed soon" I changed into my pyjamas and removed my make up and brushed my teeth before crawling into bed pulling the blanket up to my face

"Hey sweetie" there was a knock on my door and then dad's head peaked inside before he entered "you're not feeling good ?"

"No" my voice was crooked from all the crying earlier, dad sat down on my bed and looked at me

"Oh you look really pale darling, you should probably rest a bit" he brushed through my hair with his hand "hey what happened here ?" He probably meant the ring mark since he was looking right there were the mark was, I reached my hand up and felt it

"I just hit my head somewhere earlier probably cut myself, you know how I am" I force a small smile which seemed to convince dad enough, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and got up

"Okay get some rest clar, I'll check up on you now and then" he smiled and left my room closing my door, my smile fell immediately and I just turned to my back and stared at the ceiling, I turned to my left and saw the picture of Aryan and me on my wall and I suddenly felt really guilty

I hadn't done anything, I hadn't kissed him or anything but still that terrible feeling in my gut didn't leave me alone

Authors note:
There was an alternative ending with her calling Walker and not Charlie but I like this one better. Gives Jason a head start to run before Walker finds out 🤭

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