The Island

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As the sun rose, the lake and the small island at its centre became clearer, though the sun's reflection off the water was dazzlingly bright.

Through the glare, Comet could just make out rabbits coming closer and closer, clearly curious but keeping their distance as they went about whatever it was they were doing.

"You can rest and eat while we assemble the colony, it always takes awhile to make them part from their roles even for a short while." Said SilverSkull.

"You might as well get to know some rabbits, it will be a good way to get the colony to support you." Said Janu.

"I do know some rabbits. Blue and Bone. Do you know where they are?"

"They will be eating with the Watchers over there." He said, raising his paw towards a shadowy group of rabbits. "Be friendly but don't tell them about your training."

"Why not? I thought they couldn't use powers of fortune."

"They can't... But your training is none of their business. It's important you keep it to yourself, understand?" He said so seriously that Comet just nodded compliantly.

"I won't."

"Good. The assembly should start soon. You'll see everyone heading towards the fortress on the island." Said Janu and he and SilverSkull went on towards the warren.

Now he couldn't talk about his training, Comet wondered what exactly he could tell Blue and Bone about. He just hoped that Blue would want to talk about himself more.

Comet shyly approached the group and there was a long awkward silence as the Silver Colony rabbits just stared at him.

"What are you all looking at?" Asked Blue, sticking his head up from over the large rabbits. He had a clump of grass in his mouth.

"Oh, there you are Comet, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much," He said nervously. "What about you?"

"Guarding the border, they need the extra eyes to check for wild rabbits." He said self-importantly.

"What about the rabbits in the thicket? Did you tell the Magia about them?"

"Yes, Bone did." He said, pointing to the black and white rabbit who was quietly listening to the conversation. "They're planning to send us there to drive out the rebels. That's going to be a tough mission."

"I was thinking about what we saw yesterday." Said Bone. "I think the rebels may have something to do with the increased activity of wild rabbits."

Blue shook his head. "What do you think they did, herded them all there or something."

"Well, maybe." Said Bone though he sounded less certain. "I just don't think it's a coincidence."

"Whatever the case, it'll be good to finally get rid of them, the Magia had been trying so hard to stop their movement growing." Said Blue.

"If they're beyond the valley, what's wrong with just leaving them alone?" Asked Comet, thinking of Mossy and Stone.

"They aren't going to leave us alone, they want revenge. Who knows what they're willing to do to achieve that." Said Bone.

Comet stared wide eyed. "But why would they do that? Is it because they hate magic?"

"For some maybe, but most of them are rabbits who have a problem with the way the Magia runs the colonies and have been secretly trying to infiltrate the colonies to get more rabbits to join them." Said Bone.

"Yeah, one of them tried convincing me but I'm not great with secrecy and I may have accidentally said something../ and that rabbit got executed." Said Blue.

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