The Valley

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Comet slowed down as he spotted large brown and grey rabbits hopping into burrows. Some were just sitting there, staring up at them.

Blue, distracted, bumped into Comet with a thud. Comet gasped, losing his footing and tumbling down the slope. Blue could only watch while Bone leapt down.

Comet's mind raced with fear until he finally crashed into a bush. He blinked against the light, his head hurt as he tried working at where he was.

Blue and Bone hurried down to him. "Why did you stop like that?" Demanded Bone.

"Didn't you see them, they were staring right at us." Said Comet, indicating to the stationary rabbits.

"I saw them, they're just Watchers. Their role is to watch the borders." Said Bone then glared at Blue. "You're lucky he didn't break his neck."

"It was an accident." He said defensively.

Comet just groaned as he sat up to stretch his aching legs and clear his head.

"Hey, there they are!" Shouted someone nearby. Comet backed away and hid behind the bush while Blue and Bone talked to the approaching rabbit.

"So, you're the hare? Not very impressive." Said the black and white Dutch rabbit. Comet lept in fear and spun around to face him.

"What do you want?" He demanded.

"I wanted to see if the rumours about a hare coming were true but hare's are supposed to be powerful. You aren't."

"I know that." He said, shaking himself off. "If I really am a hare, I'm going to get trained."

The rabbit was silent for a moment. "Do you even know what the Magia wants you for?"

"Well they want the old here to train me." As he spoke, he realised he'd forgotten to ask what exactly he'd be training for.

He snorted with amusement. "They haven't told you anything, have they?"

"What have they told you then?" He asked.

Blue and Bone came back and glared at the Dutch rabbit. "Time to return to your post." Said Bone.

"I will." He said, barely even glancing at them. He turned back to Comet. "My name is Arrow by the way, we'll probably see each other again." He said and hopped away.

"Why'd you chase him off, he was going to tell me something."

"It would have been nothing useful, he's been a pain ever since we got chosen to do this mission over him."

"Yeah, just ignore him, I'm surprised the Magia still lets him be a Seeker when he's so annoying."

"Look who's talking." Muttered Bone with amusement.

"I'm only a Seeker because you convinced me to be." Said Blue, playfully shouldering him.

As they led Comet away from the bush, the terrain gradually shifted from stones to a mix of grass and mud. They passed by some stationary Watchers who acknowledged them with nods.

"Now, we're officially in Silver Colony." Announced Bone.

"I've been thinking, you said this hare would train me but you never said what I'd be trained to do."

"The Magia knows more about that than us but you'll probably be learning how to use the powers of the colonies." Said Bone.

"He means you'll learn how to use the magic powers from each of the colony's special resources, like silver, porcelain and iron." Said Blue excitedly. "You're so lucky, I wish I could do that."

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