The Hare

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Comet awoke up to the sound of rabbits coming into the burrow, talking hurriedly.

There was a young rabbit stumbling along beside an older rabbit. His ear was torn and bloody, blood dripped into his eyes.

Ruby quickly got into action, ordering the rabbit to sit down while grabbing various supplies. She got the older rabbit to press some cloth onto his ear while she cleared his face of blood.

"Is that the hare?" Asked the strange rabbit, letting go of the cloth a bit.

"Be quiet Spruce and keep pressing the cloth." Said Ruby,.

Comet considered offering to help until he realised he would have no idea what he was doing.

After the bleeding had stopped, she ordered Spruce to remove the cloth slowly and she quickly covered the wound in some thick paste.

"I think it would be good if he stayed here for a day to avoid the wound being irritated and opened again." She said. "How did it happen?"

"Wild rabbits attacked our group while I was taking the Learners to the upper garden. The wild rabbits had completely ruined it. They've never come to the garden before and even the Watchers couldn't stop them." He explained, his eyes wide with concern. "Luckily, Pine was the only one injured."

"I wouldn't call that lucky." Pine said, scrunching up his nose.

"Be grateful you're alive." Said Ruby coldly. "It is a shame that the upper garden was destroyed, there were important herbs there."

"Yes, it is. Generations of gardeners cultivated that garden. The lower garden doesn't have enough produce, especially in this heat." Said Spruce.

"SilverSkull and the Magia will drive the wild rabbits out so we can fix it though, right?" Asked Pine.

"I hope so, I just find the wild rabbits' aggression concerning. The garden is far away from their territory." He said and sighed. "I better go, the other Learners will be waiting for me."

After he left, Pine looked at Comet.

"Do you think you can heal my ear?" He asked.

"What? How am I supposed to do that?"

"Well, I thought you might be able to... since you're a hare."

"I haven't trained yet." He said. Though the idea of being able to heal injuries sounded pretty exciting.

"Leave him alone, both of you are meant to be resting. Besides, I doubt hare's have healing powers, I've never heard of Orion having the ability.

"Do you know what powers hare's do have then?" Asked Comet hopefully.

"I'm sure Orion will explain it to you." She said, more focused on mixing herbs than what he was saying.

"Have you met him?"

"Yes, only a couple of times, now be quiet and let me concentrate." She said.

"I heard that he's super old and lives alone in that creepy cave. The Magia hardly lets any rabbit see him because they're worried that another colony might try kidnapping him." Explain Pine excitedly.

Comet eagerly started asking questions.

Ruby sighed. "Comet, you seem to be doing fine now. Go and find Magia Janu. He'll be somewhere in the warren but check the treasury first."

Pine and Ruby watched Comet with expectation. He didn't want to admit his cluelessness about navigating the warren or even locating the treasury.

"Alright," he said, approaching the exit. Peering under the cloth, he was met with complete darkness. He sighed, realising he was lost without a guide. "I'm sorry, I have no idea where I'm going... Why isn't the colony fully lit?"

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