Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I was in momentary shock as I processed the scene in front of me. Wooden stakes were pressed into the vampires' chests as Rose and the wizard just lay there, dead. I looked up and saw Kelsey with an emergency medical kit. She kneeled down to Holden and her and the generals checked him. They conversed quietly and it was now that I prayed not to faint, to pass out. The bruises on my body ached and I felt a searing pain on my stomach. My scull hurt and turning my eyes hurt. Dom ran over to me and kneeled to my side. His eyes roamed over my body.

"Kelsey, we need you here! She's bleeding!" Dom said.

"No, no-" I started, but my throat hurt and I ended up in a fit of coughs. Once I could speak again I said, "Help Holden, keep him alive,"

Ignoring me, he called Kelsey again and she came over and kneeled down to my side. She asked if my vision was blacking out, if I felt cold, if I felt like fainting. I shook my head and then Dom gripped my hand as Kelsey wraps something around my bleeding stomach. I shut my eyes tight and groaned from the pain. Tears sprang in my eyes and I tried taking deep breaths, trying so hard to not break down and cry my eyes out.

I felt like there was a heavy boulder sitting on my chest, preventing me from breathing and taking easy, full breaths of air. I wasn't sure if it was because of the physical state of my body or my emotional state.

Kelsey helped me sit up against the wall. "What, Holden, is he okay?" I asked her, trying to get sight of him from between the generals crowded up around him. Dom and Kelsey shared a look.

I felt myself panicking. "Let me see him- I need to see him! Get off me!" I started to yell, scream, and do anything to get sight of Holden. He was okay, wasn't he? He couldn't possibly die, could he?

Dom and Kelsey held me down and despite my kicks, my screams, and my orders as a Luna, they wouldn't release me.

"Emily, Emily! Listen to me!" Dom yelled. He held my face in his hands, forcing me to look into his eyes. I hadn't even noticed I was crying uncontrollably. "Look, it was a vampire bite. Right when that venom went through his blood, he was gone. We can't do anything to save him." Dom said this slowly, talking as you would to a toddler who takes long to process, to understand.

My chest rose and I tried swallowing back my sobs, my tears, trying so hard to make the wolf inside me stay put. Trying not to mourn over my lost mate; my lost Holden. Silent tears rolled down my face and Dom wiped them away. The generals stood over me, there gazes to the floor. Dom and Kelsey helped me sit up. "Emily, we need you to tell us everything that happened, fresh from your memory."

I sucked up my tears and told them. Because sitting there, with Dom and Kelsey and the generals surrounding me, I realized one thing through my grief: that I was the Luna. I had to be strong for my pack and for Holden.

After I'd told them what happened, they nodded. "We should get out of here now. The rest of the Circle will probably want to kill whatever they can get their hands on now."

"Wait, did we get defeated?" I asked as one of the generals stood beside Holden. I only looked at Holden for just seconds for my heart to get heavier, for my breath to quicken and my stomach to turn.

His skin was already pale, his lips a dark red. He looked still and his face was... peaceful.

I quickly turned my head.


"We'll get you both to the hospital."

I rode on Dom's wolf and Holden way ahead of us. I knew I should've been crying, hyperventilating, but the pain and stiffness in my body was so much to bear. I wasn't processing right. My eyes wanted to cry out their tears, my body wanted to roll up into a ball and hide, but no feelings were going through me. Nothing. I felt cold and with no heart. I hated it.

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