An Endless Hunt

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Y/n: "Shared adversity sure brings people together, huh?"

Deuce: "Uh... I don't think that had anything to do with it."

Ace: "Yeah! Spare us the clichés, Y/n!"

Grim: "There's no "together" here! We won 'cause of you! We didn't even get a chance to fight!"

Deuce: "Yeah... if you hadn't managed to keep your cool and tell us all what to do, we never would have got this magestone. Now I won't get expelled.And wow, is THAT a relief!"

Y/n: "I'm just glad no one got hurt."

Ace: "Yeah, yeah, lessons were learned, et cetera. Can we just go home already? I'm wiped."

Grim: "Usin' all that magic made me hungry! Huh? What's that?"

Y/n "It came from the monster."

Grim: *Sniff* *Sniff* "What IS this? It smells amazing!"

Ace: "Are you insane?"

Y/n: "Grim. If I let you eat this you have to promise me that if we find anymore you tel me before you consume them, got it?"

Grim: "Yes! Yes!"

Y/n: "Here."

Ace: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "He's not human his diet is different from yours."

Ace: "Are you insane?"

Grim: "Must be some kinda fancy monster candy that it was hidin' from us! If this tastes half as good as it smells..."

Y/n: "Grim may I try some?"

Grim: "No."

Y/n: "Why is that?"

Grim: "I ate it all."

Y/n: "Alas, maybe next time."

Grim: "MYAAAH!"

Ace: "You're a bad familiar owner!"

Deuce: "Are you okay?!"

Grim: "Oooooogh... Urrrgggh... That... was AMAZING!"

Ace & Deuce: "What?!"

Grim: "Rich in flavor and full-bodied... Like sweet, fragrant flowers burstin' into bloom on my tongue. A whole field of 'em! Right in my mouth!"

Ace: "Gross. Monsters must have real weird tastes."

Deuce: "You might be onto something there... Most humans don't take random stuff they find on the ground and just pop it into their mouths."

Y/n: "He might just have a different digestive system."

Grim: "Myah ha ha ha! Man, was that great! Don't worry about me. I don't got a weak stomach like you humans do."

Ace: "Hmph. We'll see if you're so smug when you're sick later tonight."

Deuce: "Okay, let's pull ourselves together. We need to get this magestone to the headmage!"

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