Punishment Ducking

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using intimidation - Bold italicized and underlined

~Hall of Mirrors~

Ace: "Yeah right, like I'm gonna was a hundred windows

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Ace: "Yeah right, like I'm gonna was a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and—"


Ace: "Oh no! They saw me!"

Y/n: I'll let him be for now its been a while since I've hunted.

Grim: "Stop right there, pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!"

Ace: "Who in their right mind would ever wait?! Seeya!"

Grim: "No way are you gettin' out of this! You think I WANNA wash windows?"

spade: "...Hm?"

Ace: "Outta my way!"

Spade: "Hey! What gives?!"

Y/n: "I will give you one chance to return to do your cleaning responsibilities!"

Spade: "What? That's not right! But how to stop him?"


Y/n: "Mother fucker! Where the hell did you pull that out of?"

Ace: "Bwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!"

Grim: "Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, Y/n, look! That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha ha ha! That's what you get!"

Spade: "A cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that. I may have overdone it this time..."

Y/n: "Trust me, I would've done worse if I got my hands on him."

The two males shiver.

Ace: "Owwww! What are you bothering me for? You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!"

Y/n: "Trust me, I'd rather be out partying right now,  but Headmage's orders. You heard the man."

Spade: "You have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? What the heck did you do?!"

Ace: "I was just screwing with that furball a little. ...Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me."

Spade: "You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?! No wonder he flew off the handle at you! After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!"

Ace: "Oh, shut up. Who are you, anyway?"

Deuce: "My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade. Don't you remember your own classmate? Uh..."

Ace: "You don't remember my name either, do you?"

Deuce: "That's not the point! You shouldn't try to shirk an order from the headmage!"

Ace: "Yeah, yeah, message received... Fine, let's bang out the windows already. Huh...?"

Y/n: "What...?"

Ace: "The furball! He's gone!"

Grim: "Ah ha ha ha! I'll let you two handle the rest! See ya, suckers!"

Ace: "You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?! Hey! You there! Uh... Juice?"

Deuce: "My name isn't "Juice". It's Deuce! With a D!"

Ace: "This is partially your responsibility, you know! So help me catch that little furball!"

Deuce: "How is this my responsibility?!"

Ace: "Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic. That means this is up to you and me!"

Y/n's eyes change as she growls. Her nails turn to sharp claws as she lets out a shriek of rage that causes the building to shake and some of the windows to crack.

Y/n: "Run little weasel! For when I get my hands on you you'll regret being

Ace and Deuce step away from her in fear.

Ace: "You better stop right there, furball!"

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Ace: "You better stop right there, furball!"

Grim: "Make me, explodey hair!"

Ace: "Then a game of cat and mouse it is! Follow me, Juice!"

Deuce: "How hard is it for you to say my name right?!"

Y/n: "If you give up now I'll let you off free."

~Phase 1~

Grim: "Ack!! I got nowhere to go—!"

Ace: "One more push and we've got this in the bag..."

Deuce: "If I stop him with my magic!"

Ace: "Hey, could you NOT steal my schtick? Step off!"

Deuce: "Or you could just stay out of my way!"

Grim: "Woo! Now's my chance!"

Ace: "Hey! WAIT!"

Y/n: "Get back here you stupid weasel!"

~Phase 2~

Ace: "Don't forget! You gotta wash all 100 windows by yourself if I catch you. You said so!"

Grim: "Nuh-uh! I did not!"

Ace: "Match the timing of your magic with mine, Deuce!"

Deuce: "Huh?!"

Ace: "Were you even listening?! That was way too soon!"

Grim: "Lucky me! Time to make a break for it."

Y/n teleports in front of Grim and tries to grab him, but misses as she dodges Deuce's magic.

Y/n: "What the fuck was that, Deuce?"

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