Meeting a Freshman

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Grim: "Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible! I didn't get to see it much yesterday

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Grim: "Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible! I didn't get to see it much yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary. Like, this lady here looks like she's got some reeeal anger management issues."

Y/n: "They look like a cartoon."

???: "You don't know the Queen of Hearts?"

Grim: "Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?"

Ace: "She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago. She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"

Y/n: I wonder what Mom would do?

Grim: "Wah! That is seriously messed up!"

???: "Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"

Grim: "Yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong."

Y/n: "A kingdom ruled through fear creates betrayal. A kingdom ruled through kindness creates true loyalty. The important thing is to maintain a balance first."

Grim: "But puttin' that aside... Who're you, now?"

???: "Name's Ace. I'm a first year student here, as of... today! Pleased to meetcha!"

Grim: "I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's plannin' to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. That there's my far less interesting hench-human."

Y/n: "..." Hahaha! Human isn't something I'd describe myself as. "I am Y/n from the Goeita Family. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ace: "'Y/n'? Huh. Name's got an odd ring to it."

Grim: "So tell me, Ace. Is that lion with a scare in the eye a famous ruler too?"

Ace: "Of course! That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn't born into the throne - he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."

Grim: "Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that. Who's the lady with the octopus legs?"

Ace: "The Sea Witch who lived in an underwater grotto. She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk. If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever! They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though. But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"

Grim: "Myaha! So you're sayin' that once I'm a great mage, gettin' rich off folks will be a total cinch?! Oh, oh! Do the dude with the big hat next!"

Ace: "That's the Sorcerer of the Sands. He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort. He exposed this swindler once - some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess! After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say... ... he used that power to become sultan himself!"

Y/n: "Huh?" Sounds like something Mom would do.

Grim: "Wow! Guess it's true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh? And what about this beauty over here?"

Ace: "She's a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land. In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis! When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she'd do whatever it took to keep it. Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that? Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!"

Y/n: "I remember poisoning my distant aunt by accident." Mom was so proud.

Grim: "Geez. She's pretty, but that sounds kinda scary."

Ace: "You think so? I gotta respect the hustle!"

Grim: "F-for sure... Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up! And the one there, with the flaming head? Now THAT guy looks scary!"

Ace: "That's the King of the underworld! Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits - that takes competence! He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for. I mean, this is the guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him."

Grim: "Hmm. That IS something. T'think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head! And that last one there, with the horns?"

Ace: "That's the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mythical mountain. She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses - even by the standards of these seven! She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns... She could use magic on a massive scale! She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."

Y/n: "She looks like the type of individual to curse a baby.

Grim: "Ooh. a dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!"

Ace: "Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel."

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