chapter 1. apple picking in the woods.

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Hook: One day a girl named Mary stepped into the forest. She lived in a wooden cabin with Her uncle. His name was "uncle Conner" that's what all of His reletives called Him. His full name was Conner Elrod Kowalski. Such a unqiue name, am I right?

uncle Conner would tell Mary to be back at 6:00 pm at exactly Mary left to head into the woods at 5:00 pm. The woods had shiny red, green, yellowish apples on the healthy light green trees. Mary couldn't miss out on some healthy fruit on a wednesday. Mary would often hear footsteps that sounded like foot that was from bigfoot.
Mary didn't believe in that type of things. She thinks internent monsters are just a myth and isn't true. Mary began to walk and walk until she was far from her home. She kept walking to her destination, until a black figure appeared in her way? hm.... strange and odd. Mary was stiff, and frozen by the thought "why did you pick me instead of everyone else?" she thought to herself. The black figure didn't say anything. He was a quiet one. it didn't look like he wore any clothing. he was just a tall black figure. he didn't have a face either. he couldn't communicate unless if he knew ASL. So... Mary was stuck.. Peering at the tall descendant. He look skinny, feeble and could be in his 14/16s.

Mary took her time to bolt and get the heck out of the woods. The entity pursued after Her within a second.  And surprisingly, He was rapid. he was getting close to Her and grabbed  her wrist. his firm was cold, it felt like the grim reaper was holding her wrist. The more He held her wrist, the more She felt dizzy. Also, Mary had a mother. Her name was Annabelle reluca-sindarel. she was in her mid 40s. Mary heard shouting from the mother annabelle and the uncle conner. But.. Mary's hearing was fading out. There was no possibility she would gain her hearing back at this moment.

3 hours later, of Mary not being back at the wooden cabin at 6:00 pm on the dot. the mother and uncle got worried sick for their brave girl Mary. They had a expansion with some of their allies in the neighborhood. Mary had some close friends from Her school. Their names were Emma, Kylee, and destiny.

Emma was some 15 year old who was a fanatic of art. Mary would constantly have sleepovers and go to the movies with Her. Kylee was a aggressor sometimes when others spoke about Her close friends. Including Mary, and Emma and Destiny. Also, Destiny was a pretty pageant competition girl. She would go to competitions. Starbound and nationals to get titles. She was a decent dancer. As for Mary, she was a poetry writer. It was Her dream to become a writer some day.

As everyone looked for Mary in the woods. They came across a trail of red blood leading to where Mary's corpse was. It was an extended intense trail that was 4 hours away. Whoever made that trail had it good that we were not going to walk 4 hours.

Finally after 4 hours of walk they came across the corpse. Mary's teeth were broken. Her face had scratches. And Her body had stab wounds all over. It was a living nightmare as the cold smoky wind blew the trees. The mother found Her daughter and broke into tears each drop left from Her eyes into the soil of the ground where Mary was gonna be buried. The father wasn't Their to experience their daugter leave her arms.. the father abandoned Her and their daughter and moved on.
Luckily Mary survived after that day. she ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks healing and thriving each day with an non-rebreather mask. She had stitches through those lamentable days. She felt decrepit and surprised that Her arms and legs weren't broken. And, Her ripcage wasn't broken.
she got out the hospital after the medical bills. and got home and hugged her mother. She was glad Her mother came and got Her. And, had the decision to go out and look for Her. numerous mothers wouldn't do anything for their daughters.

5 days after Mary thought She haven't learned Her lesson. She did
She went back into the woods to find who the entity was. He appeared infont of her. Mary wasn't fazed. She got straight to the point "Who are you and why do you keep following me! show your true self and identity!" She yelled out as Her voice echoed. The entity stood there.  He didn't look fazed or mad or upset. Remember, He doesn't have a face. His face started to move and said. "But you followed me?" in a glitchy and cold tone. He doesn't have a mouth. how could he even speak. he was well spoken. A thought from Mary's mind. Mary spoke again "what do you want from me? you tortured me, you made me suffer in the hospital, the case was still unknown!" the black entity stays quiet as He  doesn't speaks he starts to fade away... Mary starts to think... this was all a coincidence... She thinks she was just picturing vivid visions in her head. She will never leave this endless nightmare...

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