Time for us to come together

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Previously on MLP EG...

"I have something I need you to do." I stated.




Dusk Shine POV

"Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?" Rarity asked.

"It was a great idea, Rarity!" I stated.

"It's so good seeing everyone getting along once more." Y/n said with a big smile.

Applejack's smile runs away from her face, when she saw Sundown Glare, Snips and Snails walking and Sundown Glare was smirking.

"Don't know what he's smilin' about. Dusk's the one that's gonna be Prince of the Fall Formal." Applejack stated. 

After Sundown Glare knocks, Vice-Principal Luna opens the door.. Hair in two shades of blue, pale blue skin, blue-green eyes, magenta top with a white collar marked by a dark blue crescent moon.

"Vice-Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!" Sundown Glare said on the verge of tears on his knees.


I knew something was up and so I followed Sundown and Vice-Principal Luna to the gym and saw everything was destroyed.

"Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Dusk Shine do something like this?" Sundown asked with an innocent tone.

'Dusk didn't do this and I have a feeling who did it.' I thought.

"Why would you think Dusk was responsible for something like this?" Vice-Principal Luna asked.

"Because I have proof." Sundown Glare stated as he handed a folder to Vice-Principal Luna.

I knew where to look, this isn't the first time Sundown has done something like this. But deep inside I knew he was a good person, looking for love.

Dusk Shine POV

I was called to Vice-Principal Luna's office, so I took off my ears and tail and went to her office.

"But...but I don't understand." I said, confused.

Vice-Principal Luna slid a folder of photos in front of me on the desk.

"This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?" Vice-Principal Luna asked.

I see the pictures and they were three slightly blurred shots of me kicking over chairs, booting a backdrop to kindling, standing and grinning by the shattered disco ball. I grimace slightly and try to shrink into myself a bit.

"Yes, but..." I said.

"I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crown." Vice-Principal Luna stated.

I looked into her stern blue-green eyes with my scared purple eyes. I was about to accept my resignation when the door opened and Y/n walked in.

"Vice-Principal Luna. I found these in a trash can in the library. I thought you should see them.
Someone obviously combined these photos of the trash gym and his one-on-one soccer game against Rainbow Dash to make it look like Dusk was the one who trashed the gym." Y/n stated.

"I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, Y/n. In light of this new evidence, you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the Prince of the Fall Formal." Vice-Principal Luna stated to Y/n and then turned to me.

MLP Equestria Girls: Male Sunset Shimmer x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя