Chapter 29 Maniac???

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luna agrees because corvo was pretty bad injured. Merrissa takes her to a house and says do whatever the guy inside of this house says.Luna says my brother is rest here.... that's good i can work and take care of him both at same time.When she entered the room. he was a  local criminal. his name was Rick. he said " so you would be serving me huh?... that's good. i like people of your age. Luna was confused what he meant. then he started coming closer to her. she understood what he was going to do. she screamed for help so someone could hear her. when he was cornerd her on wall. then someone knocked on door. Rick said "I'm busy,go away " but the knocking didn't stop instead it was more louder.rick was frustrated and said" I'm busy with girl, if you knocked again I would kill you ". Knock was stopped for 1 minutes, Luna was screaming for help.then Someone kicked the door. after few kicks he broke the door. Rick took his knife and went to see who it was. He saw a man covered in bandages. He looked at both of them. Rick  offered that you also join but you gotta pay half.  That man had a hatchet and he cut him . He turned around Luna and said "you scared sissy?" She came near him and puched him on his shoulder. Corvo in fun way said" och!!!  you are pretty strong". Luna was dead serious and bout to leave. Corvo to himself" why the fuck do i say jokes at wrong time" then he said " oi sissy sorry, please don't be mad at me". he stopped luna and asked what happened exactly and why she went to his room? luna told him everything. Corvo said "I see...wait here i will be back... Rick is still alive and bring me a bamboo or a rod if you can but don't go outside. Luna asked " where the hell you think I will find rod here? stupid but still I will try to find it". Corvo enters the room and he started beating rick brutality and then he wrapped his arms in certain and then he tied him on roof and started kicking him on his liver. Rick said " aren't you a human being.... leave me i won't repeat it".
" i am just a living creature who wants blood" Corvo was laughing like maniac

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