𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒: 16 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 2

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"Uhm, Ramona? Is the train still running on its track up there?"

Oh it's running, too fast for my liking. I think it's about to derail in all honestly.

"Y-yeah uhm...I have to go to the bathroom."

I speedily take my leave and rush to the bathroom, praying to whatever there is out there that my peers have decided to take their gossip elsewhere today. I need to collect myself and pump the breaks on whatever is going on with my emotions currently.

The bathroom isn't extremely far and after a few minutes I arrive. Firstly, I make sure there is no witnesses to what I'm about to do before moving on to the second faze which involves me stomping my feet and yelling out words of frustration. I can't fully scream or break any property so this is what I have to resort to. It somewhat helps I guess but I can't get his now matured stupid....gorgeous....face out of my damn mind! Why does he have to be in that group? Why didn't he not find me the best he could? He knows that I'd be here for highschool! Hell, we had so many plans for this school I can't believe he would change them to hang out with the shining scum of this building!

My first emotion seems to be anger but there is also a deep sadness I feel that makes my heart tighten. Confusion follows along with a slight twinge of anxiety as I think of how I'm going to approach him,if I even will, after all this time. If he can forget about me states away, I'm sure I'm still lost in his mind. Especially if the new crowd he has meshed into has any influence on him.

I should be happy. I mean this is what I wanted. I've been wanting him back since the moment I saw the black outline of his car disappear.

This isn't the happy celebration I wanted though and yes, I'm not naive, I know life throws bricks at you but, this feels like five buildings have fallen on me.

As my emotions seem to simmer a bit, I start to get to thinking about his new group again. I mean am I blind? I know I don't pay attention to those assholes but how didn't I notice someone as memorable as Austin in their posse? They seemed all buddy buddy so it's had to been at least a week....now that I think about it, last Sunday my mom did seem more perky. She hasn't made homemade cupcakes in forever. I should've known something was up! Shocking how I haven't seen them in the house yet.

I sigh, this bathroom trip has already been too prolonged and I don't want someone to think I'm ill and come to check on me so I have to get myself together. Besides, the lunch bell is about to ring anyways.

I check my appearance in the mirror before walking back to the table where I'm immediately met with concerned but confusion laced faces.

"I was about to come see if you were good. Are you?"

No, but I can't get into all of this right now or I'll break so I just reply, "Yeah, I'm just on my period and then there was no toilet paper in my stall and so then that became and issue and it was a whole thing."

Wow, I should win an award for that.

"Damn, well I'm glad you made it back soldier."

"Thanks Jasper."

We all let out a small chuckle before the bell rings and we throw our trash into the nearly overflowing bins. The halls provide no mercy as we travel to our lockers and grab what we need for our next class. Jasper and Lina's next class is far from this current destination so they take off while I finish up in my locker. Them leaving was a mistake though cause as soon as they left I feel a lurking presence that soon makes its way to me. I don't even have to look her in the eyes to know who it is.



Before I can even respond I feel her perfectly manicured hand grasp onto my hair and yank it causing me to almost yelp in pain.

"Turn around and look at me! I have a few words for you."

My hands go to my hair as I fix it the best I can and go to look at the face of the devil.

"I've been hearing some things lately ever since my boyfriend has arrived here. They revolve you which I never thought I would hear since you're so irrelevant and all but, surprisingly now you pose a threat to me. So, I'll lay out a simple rule for you. Stay. Away."

"Alisha this is ridiculous. Your type is not my type so you don't need to worry about me stealing whatever beer obsessed loser you decided to date this time."

"Don't play dumb! You know exactly who I'm talking about cause I'm talking about Austin! You guys were pretty close huh? Don't think that gives your pathetic ass a chance to lay even a finger on my man! You got that hoe?!"

She's dating Austin?

No, but I know Austin. He wouldn't date someone like this. He despised people like this! How could he let this witch put him under some sickly spell?!

"I knew him first and better than you ever will Alisha so sorry if I decide to be in a two foot radius from him you psycho."

Shit, I shouldn't have let that one out.

I should've just let her easily win again cause now I'm being slammed against the locker as sharp pains shoot up my back and I scream in pain causing everyone to be alerted to the drama they think is about to make them viral.

Then I feel her hand slap across my cheek and phones pop up all around us as she starts screaming shit at me.

"Is this what it takes to teach you to not talk to my man?! You are worthless and nothing! I mean look at you! If somehow people didn't find you ugly before they sure will now with that bruise on your face! I swear if you do anything I will not hesitate to rat out your hoe ass out and ruin your life piece by piece!"

She then steps away from me and I have no fight in me to start the fire back up so the phone cameras start to come down and Alisha tries to fix herself up in order not to look like the crazy bitch she is.



"Alisha? What's going on babe?"

It's not him. It's not him. I'm convincing myself that Austin isn't standing in front of me next to her.

"Oh, this girl and I were just having a chat. Nothing serious."

He glances my way and I feel my chest start rising and falling faster than I like signaling that tears are about to fall.

This can't be the way he sees me again after everything.

So, I slam my locker quickly and rush off keeping my head down the whole time.

I can't let him know it's me and I can't let Alisha see the tears that now add a glisten to my cheeks as I rush to the courtyard and take a seat among the purple tinted flowers. This is where I'm not afraid to let anything out. The environment is bare at the moment and peaceful as the whistling of wind can only be heard briefly at times.

I let the tears fall without any restraint.

Her?! Why her?! I can't wrap my head around someone as sweet and caring as Austin ever being with a cold hearted snake like Alisha!

At this point, maybe it would've been easier if he had just stayed in Colorado.

The treacherous day comes to a close and I drive home in silence. I then open the door that's still painted the same gray color it was the day he took off and head upstairs without a second thought as to not have my mom flag me down with questions about my newly mutilated cheek.

This carelessness to what's around me soon comes back to knock me over the head as I hear my mother call for me to come downstairs.

A sigh escapes my lips as I know now that I can't avoid the upcoming questions that'll come from her. I drop my backpack along the wall near my door and plug in my laptop so I don't forget before brushing my wind blown hair and walking down to meet whatever awaits.

As I turn the corner to the living room my feet seem to get stuck in place to the floor as I spot who is sitting on my couch.

My mom's smile is practically shining as she exclaims, "They're back Ramona!!"

𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑤𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑Where stories live. Discover now