𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒: 6

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Breeze sweeps through the trees as birds sing sweet songs to the clouds above. Sounds of laughter and metal slightly making a chiming noise can be heard as Austin and Ramona swing higher and higher. They try to sync up but can never seem to quite get it as their legs desperately try and match each other's motions.

This was how their summer has been. Long days spent side by side doing various activities and letting their imagination take over.

They've been friends since they were two and their mom's meant at a painting class. They are simply inseparable. Life came easy to them as they always had one another for support. If one was getting bullied the other would be the brave defender and if one got hurt the other was there worrying and trying to spark any happiness in the other.

Austin and Ramona. Ramona and Austin.

Friends forevermore...
6 years old
"Want to see me jump off the swing?" Austin exclaims eagerly as his swing goes back.

"You can do that?! I thought only older kids could?"


"Well show me, show me nowwwwwww!!" We let out a small giggle and he slightly shifts in the swing to get ready for his trick. His eyes are focused on the grass and as his swing goes up, he takes a leap into the soft grass below.

"Awesome!! Teach me!"

He brushes the small bit of dirt off his hands as he used them to brace himself in his ungraceful fall.

"Are you sure? You can get hurt from this and I don't want your mommy to be sad that you hurt yourself and I don't wanna see you cry." Austin messes with the hem of his blue striped shirt as he says the words with a note of concern.

I wasn't scared though. I knew that as long I was with Austin I would be okay.

"It's okay Aussie I'll be fine! Pleaseeeeee."

The grass moves from right to left, being squished under Austin's sneaker as he thinks about his answer for a second. I see a small smile appear on his face though and he accepts without too much thinking time.

"Okay so, when you're up in the air you take your hands and push off from the chains!" His hands fly in front of him to display the pushing motions as I note his instructions.

"Okay!" I give him a nod before taking the leap of faith. I feel like I'm flying and before I know it, I'm laying in the grass giggling.

"Ramona are you okay?"

I hadn't even noticed but I guess I had a rocky landing, as I once heard my mommy say.

"I'm alright. See," I point to my knees, "No boo-boos!"

Austin's face softens and he holds out a hand as he helps me up.

"Thank you for showing me that Austin! It felt like I was flying!" I put out my arms like plane wings and run around him in a circle making motor noises. He laughs which makes me smile.

"Airplanes seem so cool. You get to go up in the clouds Mona!"

"I know! And they can take you places! You know where I want to go?" I stop and start walking next to him as we make our way back to our moms who are sipping lemonade on the brown swing in my yard and reading magazines.


"I want to go to Paris!"

"Me too! I didn't know you wanted to go. We should go together!" He looks over at me with a big grin and bright eyes like he just came up with the greatest idea in the world.

I thought it was.

"We should! We could see the big tower thing and eat yummy food and I think we can ride in boats there? Oh! And we can dress in fancy clothes!"

"Oooo that would be so fun! We should go tell our mommies!"

"Yeah! We are going to Paris! We are going to Paris!"

After hearing me chant he joins in and we both finish our way over to our mom's chanting only one thing and one thing only.

We are going to Paris!

Hey! Thanks for reading this first chapter/intro to my new fic. I'm praying this was good lmao cause I want to showcase when they were little but it's kind of hard to do and I don't want Ramona's thoughts to sound too old yet. Anyways, I thought I would make it short and sweet to start due to their age but also because this story will get heavy. I hope you stay as the story unfolds:) I will update as often as I can but due to finishing up this school year and many other things it might not be super constant but I want to get this out to you all. Anyways, have an amazing day/night and I hope you enjoyed this start lovelies!

𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑤𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑Where stories live. Discover now