25. The Blue Exorcist

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I was out of the room before anyone said anything.

I pulled Kurikara out of the red casing as I left the academy.

I unsheathed it, walking toward the blue flash.

"Damn you. How dare you take control over (y/n)!"

The figure stood from the playground, blue flames brightly flaring everywhere. She cackled.

"Son, you knew right off the bat it was your girlfriend! I'm proud!" she smirked at me, "And because you kept her alive with your pathetic flames, her body can actually sustain me!"

My eyes widened. This is all my fault.

All my fault...

That's how I'll get (y/n) back.

(Y/n)'s POV

It was dark.

I can't move... There are shackles on my arms and legs restraining me...

"Don't bother."

I opened my eyes to see my other self, smiling at me.

"Damn you. You tried to kill Rin."

"That was a demon shapeshifter thing, you idiot."


"Oh, and Rin is here. He's trying to get you back. He knows how, too."


"Make him leave."


"He's in love with Shiemi, not me. I can tell."

My head whipped back as she flung her fist at my nose.

"You asshole! What are you talking about?! He loves you! Shiemi was having a tough time!"

I felt blood drip from my nose. Then an image appeared in front of me.

"Here's what's going on out there."

Rin was obviously losing.

"Rin! No!" I struggled against the chains.

"I told you to not-" something snapped. My right arm fell loosely to my side, "The hell?"

I reached for the image.

"RIN!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the empty void.

Rin's POV

I was struggling. I wasn't sure if what I had in mind was logical enough to get (y/n) back.

"Come on, son! Do better or I'll have to break that blade!" she yelled, grabbing Kurikara's sharp edge.

I couldn't pull it away. She was going to snap it in half.

I waited, expecting my sanity fade.

But it didn't. I looked at her.

It was like she was fighting herself. Her right side was holding back the left. Blood was trickling down from her nose, as if she'd just been punched.


"D-damn girl!" Satan exclaimed, trying to fight off (y/n).

"S-shut up. Rin told me everything," (y/n) argued, "You're not his father. Rin's father is Shiro Fujimoto!"

She looked at me, hesitation in her right eye.

"You know what to do, don't you?"

I blinked, then nodded. I took a deep breath.

Is It Possible to Love a Demon? (Rin Okumura X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now