15. Different

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Aero looked so comfortable laying in the bed.

"Are you happy?" I asked softly.

She nodded.

"It's much better than sleeping on the streets..."

I stayed silent for a moment.

"Aero? What did you mean?"

"By what?"

"By how we look like your parents. Me and Rin."

"Well... Isn't it self explanatory? You look like our parents."

"Yeah, but-"

"(Y/n)?" there was a soft knock at the door.

"Come in, Rin."

He opened the door, Vale right in front of him, rubbing his eyes.

"What's up?"

"Just coming to say goodnight."

"Oh. Alright. Goodnight, Rin. Goodnight, Vale." I smiled at them.

"Night, you two." Aero yawned.

Vale walked toward her.

"Goodnight Aero."

He started back to Rin, but stopped right next to me.

"Night, (y/n)... And thank you..." he walked back to Rin, leaving me a little confused.

Thanks for what?

Rin's POV

I plopped down onto my bed.

"Well, today was interesting." I went to lean back and hit my head against the wall, "Ow! Da-" I looked at Vale, rubbing the back of my head.

Then he burst out laughing.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, at first hostile, "It wasn't funny..." then I gave up.

"Yeah... It was!" he said between laughs.

After he calmed down, he turned sober.

"Hey, Rin?"


"Do you think..." he looked down, "Do you think (y/n) likes me? She's kinda mean..."

"Huh? What kind of a question is that? She knows what's best for anyone, that's why she's strict at times." I reflected the memories, "In fact, she and I were enemies as soon as we met."

"You and (y/n) didn't like each other?"

"Not a bit. Until she proved herself recklessly. That's how she earned my respect," I thought about it, "So if you want her to respect you, you have to do something that will prove yourself."


"I don't know how she operates, so I'm guessing."

"We're so different..."

"You're human, right?"


"Well, there you go! (Y/n)'s a human. And really," I gently put my hands on his shoulders, "I can tell that she cares about you and your sister."

Vale smiled.

"Thanks, Rin."

I nodded.

"Now, let's get to bed."

"Ok, d- Rin."

I looked at him, then smiled.

Aero's POV



"Are you bothered by the fact that I'm a demon?"

Her eyes widened.

"Why would you ask that? Of course not!"

"Everyone, except Vale, that knows I'm a demon has been either afraid of me or tried to kill me. Even my own parents..."

"Well..." she didn't know how to deal with a twelve year old yet, I'm guessing, "I'm not scared of you. Rin's a demon, not just any demon, either. He's the damn son of Satan, and yet I've fallen in love with him."

"Rin's the son of Satan?"

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone, ok?"

"Got it... When did you find out?"

"When he found out about me."

"What did you do?"

She hesitated, as if she didn't want to tell me.

"You don't have to tell me!"

"Not yet... I promise that I'll tell you, though, ok?"

"Yeah, ok m- I mean, (y/n)."

I watched as she drifted off to sleep. She really did look like mom. I don't get why.

Since my parents tried to kill me and Vale.

Like I said, that's Aero.
I'll put some action in soon, sorry for the lack of it!

Is It Possible to Love a Demon? (Rin Okumura X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now